{11} First Mission

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This chapter is a little longer. You all deserve it after such a long wait. I am still planning on finishing the story and then publishing the rest. But, considering today was such a special day, I decided to give you this. I'll explain why it was special at the end of the chapter. 😊 Also, this chapter might be a little cringey because I have no idea how mafias work.

Oh well!

Hoseok was a little confused when he was the only one in his room when he woke up. He kind of expected Jimin to sleep somewhere else because of the whole Yoongi drama, but he was curious as to where Seokjin was. He just decides to forget about it and get ready.

Honestly, he was a little tense. The team has already been facing some problems, and Yoongi and Namjoon both announced that they were going to be going on their first mission today.

Hoseok walks out of his room the same time Jungkook walks out of his. Hoseok raises a brow in confusion. Taehyung isn't with Jungkook. They are always attached to each other. "Where's your partner in crime?"

Jungkook just sighs before saying, "out," and walking down the hall. Hoseok was even more confused. What could he mean by 'out'? He doesn't question it and follows the younger boy towards Namjoon's office. They both walk in Namjon's room with everyone else inside; even Taehyung.

Jungkook runs over to Taehyug and embraces him in a warm hug. Taehyung hugs him tight and doesn't let go. He was still getting over the panic attack he had yesterday.

Namjoon coughs to bring everyone's attention to him. "Okay. Now that we have everyone here, it's time for our first mission debriefing." Namjoon grabs some files from his desk and hands them to everyone. They all open the file.

In the file is a picture of a man. It was pretty hard not to know who the man was. "Kang Youngsoo. CEO of the richest corporation in Seoul. Many conspiracy theories have been thrown around the internet that Youngsoo works with some of the top five. I can assure you, he does not work with my dad."

"But do you actually believe that?" Jimin asks. "He's been accused by so many people and the cops have found nothing against them."

"I know. But the cops don't have Yoongi on their team."

Jimin raises an eyebrow and glances over just to see a smirk placed on his boyfriend's face. "You're that good, huh?"

"Well, I don't want to brag..." Jimin playfully slaps him and Yoongi smiles.

"Anyway," Namjoon continued, "we want to find out if he has any connections to NCT. If he does, he would have some information over them or possibly any information over us as well."

"Smart. But, how are we going to get Yoongi in? That place is swarming with guards and security to make sure that Youungsoo and his company are protected."

"That's where you come in, Jungkook. You and Taehyung are going to help Yoongi sneak in." Namjoon places a layout schematics sheet of a building; Youngsoo's building. "Jimin is going to go into the building and portray as one of Youngsoo's office workers."

"You mean, like, his secretary?" Jimin already hated the idea. Here he was hoping he didn't have to flirt or try to seduce anyone.

"Don't worry. It's just so you can keep him away from here." He points towards the back of the building, near the fire escape. "Near the fire escape, is one of Youngsoo's advanced computer rooms that only a limited number of people are allowed in. After a certain time of the day, the room is left empty. When you see everyone leaving the room, you three will head inside. You two will bodyguard Yoongi and make sure to warn him if anyone is coming in while he tries to find any information on NCT or the top five he can find. Do I make myself clear?"

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