[Bonus] Forever

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This is another bonus chapter. It doesn't take place during the actual storyline. It's about a year and two months after the "mission" is over.

Taehyung's hair is brown and Jungkook's hair is black.

Please enjoy :)

Also, it's my first time writing smut, so I'm sorry if its cringy.

Jungkook was tired.

His entire day was filled with meetings with his dad, negotiations with other gangs, and some "business" that he helped Namjoon with. He hasn't seen Taehyung in almost 38 hours, and he just wanted to get home to his wonderful husband.

He just got done with one of his deals, and was heading back home. He walked up the stares that led to his and Taehyung's apartment. He opens the door, and everything is dark.

He was confused.

"Taehyung? I'm back!"

The ravenette took his coat and shoes off and took in the smell of his apartment. It smelled different.

Almost like...


He hung up his coat and laid his keys on the table before turning on the lights.

He was more confused than ever after that.

Jungkook turned on the lights and saw a path of rose petals leading from the living room to, what Jungkook assumed, was there bedroom.

Jungkook turned on the lights and saw a path of rose petals leading from the living room to, what Jungkook assumed, was there bedroom

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'Did Taehyung do this?'

He got curious and started following the path. He continued until he saw that the path stopped right in front of their shared bedroom.

He was nervous.

'What is he planning?'

Jungkook shakingly opened the door and immediately, his eyes filled with tears. He couldn't tell if they were tears of joy or sadness.

Laying all over the room were a bunch of rose petals. On the floor, nightstand, and the bed. Their were also small, lit candles carefully placed in the room; giving the place a romantic atmosphere.

 Their were also small, lit candles carefully placed in the room; giving the place a romantic atmosphere

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