[6] One Still Remains

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Sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoy🤗

Jimin has been watching the nervous red-head pace back and forth for ten minutes. He could tell that the younger was anxious, but who could blame him.

The three boys got back around 12:20, and it was now, 1:10. Namjoon said both of the missions would go by smoothly and they should be back around 12:30. If they dont run into any trouble, that is.

Taehyung grabbed his hair in frustration and screamed. "This is all my fault, we never should have split up! I should have been there to protect him!"

Jimin wanted to help calm his friend down. "Relax Tae, they could just be running a little late. I'm sure Jungkook and Namjoon both got this other guy you were talking about, and are on there way back. You just have to be patient."

Taehyung turned around and pointed an angry finger and the shorter male. "Don't tell me to be patient! You dont know what happend to them! They were supposed to be here forty five minutes ago Jimin! I've been patient long enough!"

The blonde sighed. "Tae calm down."

"I'm not gonna calm down until my fiance is safe in my arms!" He continued pacing like before.

Jimin sighed again for the assassins behavior. He knew Taehyung for just a little over a year, but he knew how much his friend loved his finace. Honestly, he was kind of jealous.

For most of his life, he was surrounded by people who wanted to just use him. They didn't care about his personality or what he liked. They just wanted to get him in bed. He just wanted to be in a nice relasionship with someone who understood him. Not just for personal pleasure.

"Hey, you ok?"

Jimin snapped out of daze. The mint-haired hacker came up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. As soon as Jimin realized this, he pulled his shoulder away from Yoongi.

Yoongi was startled by the youngers sudden actions. "It's ok, it's just me."

Jimin tried giving him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little uncomfortable at the moment." Jimin stopped when he realized what he just said. "No! That's not what I ment! I just ment with the new surroundings and everything. There's nothing wrong with you. Ar Tae! I mean- I think I'm just gonna stop talking."

Yoongi laughs at the youngers flustered face. "It's fine, I know what you ment. It's ok if you're not fully comfortable with everything yet. I know how you feel." Jimin smiled, almost blushed, at how kind Yoongi was being to him.

"Thanks Yoongs."

Yoongi got confused by the sudden nickname.

Jimin's face turned as bright red as a tomato. "I'm sorry, it just kind of slipped out!"

Yoongi burst into laughter. "Jimin it's fine! You can call me Yoongs if you want. But seriously, remember what I said at the club Jimin. We are a family here, even if we're the most vicious and powerful mafia here. I will protect you at all cost. Call me and I'll be there. Ok?"

If Jimin wasn't blushing before, he definitely was now. He has never had anyone care about him this much before. Yoongi started to blush with embarrassment. "You know, I mean everyone, not just you, but you know mostly you. Wait-"

Before Yoongi could continue, the blonde captured Yoongi in a hug. The older didnt question it, and just hugged him back; again. "Thanks Yoongi. You dont know how much that means to me."

Taehyung on the other hand, was angry at the two. They just met and they were talking and holding eachother like they've been together forever.

"Wow Jimin. You have to be a very special person to have Yoongi open up to you like that." Yoongi and Jimin both instantly let go of eachother, blushing a bright red.

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