[4] Angel of Darkness

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"I really hate this place." Taehyung said as he and Yoongi drove up to the club him and Jimin both work at.

Yoongi scoffed at the red head. "Than why did you start working here?"

"Well, I didn't go to college, and I didn't want to wait because Jungkook didn't go either. And most jobs you do need to have a college degree. I didnt want to work at a store in case I ended up robbing it one day."

Yoongi laughed. "Are you going somewhere with this?"

"Yeah, it was the only place I could get a decent salary to pay for me and Kook." Taehyung looks at the hacker. "So, how are we gonna get in?"

The hacker just smiles. "You work here don't you? Come on." Yoongi leaves the car, leaving a confused Taehyung behind. Sure he worked here, but it wasn't the night shift. The club guards will definitely be suspicious. They know everyone's schedule.

"Yoongs! Wait up!" The youngest finally came up to him, and the two walked up to the door.

"ID please."

Taehyung scoffed. "I'm surprised you dont know who I am Chanwoo. After all, I'm your favorite employee here."

The guard looks up and rolls his eyes. "What are you doing here kid? You only work the day shift." Taehyung mentally cursed at himself. He knew they would ask that question. Taehyung tried to come up with some sort of excuse.

"Well, you see, the boss called me in. You know, kind of last minute thing. Felix wasn't feeling good, so if you would just let us in."

The gaurd raised his eyebrow. "Oh yeah, pretty sure I've seen Felix go in already."

"Must have been a clone."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and mentally scoffed at the younger. He wasn't much of a fighter, so if they get in trouble he was hoping Taehyung is better at other things besides his big mouth.

"Alright, than whose blueberry over here."


Taehyung elbowed Yoongi before they got in trouble. "He's a trainee. Brought him to show him the ropes." The fact that Chanwoo hasn't caught on to the assassin's lies, was weird. Yoongi, at this point, didnt care anymore. He ignored Taehyung and the gaurd, and walks right into the club.

Taehyung could tell Chanwoo was about to grab Yoongi and possibly beat him up. Taehyung laughs nervously and smiles at the gaurd. "I guess he's eager to get to work. See you later Chanwoo!" Taehyung makes his way inside, leaving the confused gaurd behind.

Taehyung stood next to Yoongi. The hacker looked around and didnt see the blonde anywhere. "Ok, so where is this Park Jimin."

The assassin rolled his eyes. "He's part of the 'entertainment' here, so he should be on stage."

The hacker bit his lip at the thought. He wasn't gonna show Taehyung, but Yoongi really was excited when Namjoon said that he was gonna find the blonde boy for him. He thought the boy was cute.

But, he did feel bad for the boy. Yoongi read his files, and he just wanted to punch every single one of those douchebags who harrassed him.


Taehyung interrupted the elders train of thought. "Um, yeah, what is it."

The red head scoffed. "I said we can go back to the dressing rooms to see if Jimin is there."

Yoongi's eyes narrowed at the younger. "You're really just gonna walk in there. What if someone is naked. Or having sex!"

"Are you complaining?" The young assassin just smiles.

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