[5] What Once Was

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     Jungkook was tense the entire car ride with Namjoon. Yes, he lied to his fiance. Yes, he knew Namjoon personally. He had experience in the field with Namjoon because there parents knew eachother.

     Jungkooks' dad is one of the top five most powerful mafia leaders, along with Namjoon and his dad. There dads were super close, and often had Jungkook and Namjoon go on missions together. But, the last one they ever went on got out of hand.

     "Jungkook." The young shoulder looked at the mafia leader.

     "Ugh, yes sir."

     Namjoon laughed at the formal name. "You know you can just call me Namjoon, right?"

     Jungkook nods and looks at his hands. Namjoon could tell Jungkook was still nervous about being with Namjoon.

     "You know, if you want to talk about it-"

     "I dont." Jungkook cut of Namjoon before he could finish his sentence.

     Namjoon nodded his head and they sat in a few minutes of silence. Namjoon decided to try talking to him again. "Look, I'm sorry about what happend 3 years ago. I just-"

     "Namjoon, I said I dont want to talk about it."

     "I know Jungkook, but I cant help but feel guilty." Jungkook took a deep breath, trying not to yell at the mafia leader. He didnt want a repeat of last time.

     "Look, it was in the past. Now, can we just forget about it and talk about this sniper guy instead." Namjoon sighs in defeat. He knows Jungkook doesnt want to talk about the sensitive topic.

     "Fine. Since you asked so nicely." Namjoon grabbed a file of the dashboard and tossed it at Jungkook. He opens the file and sees a picture of there target.

     "Jung Hoseok," Namjoon explains

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     "Jung Hoseok," Namjoon explains. "Born in South Gwanju. His parents never attended to his and his sisters needs, so he did some gang business. His sister died when Hoseok disobeyed an order from a gang member. Wasn't all to well with covering his tracks, so Yoongi hunted him down really easy." Namjoon was gonna keep talking but started spacing off into space, thinking about his mom.

     Jungkook sensed his tension. "You okay?" Namjoon snapped out of it. "Yeah, I'm fine."

     Jungkook looked back at the file. "So, how long till we arrive at his place."

     Namjoon smiled. "Actually, were here." Namjoon stopped the car at what Jungkook saw as an old, somewhat abandoned house

" Namjoon stopped the car at what Jungkook saw as an old, somewhat abandoned house

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