[3] Splitting up

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     Taehyung and Jungkook followed Yoongi into the giant building, holding eachothers hands. Jungkook took a deep breath as he stepped into the front doors. Taehyung could tell his little bunny was tense. He squeezed his hand to tell him it was gonna be alright. Jungkook gave him a smile.

     Yoongi led the two boys down a hallway with two doors; one on each side. One leading to the left, and the other to the right. Sure it was creepy, Taehyung didnt mind that. But what he did think was a little creepy, was the single window with ripped curtains at the end of the hall.
     Yoongi pointed to the door on the right. "This is the room you will be staying in." Taehyung stepped into the room, still holding Jungkook's hand.
     He still felt uneasy about the window, but he chose to forget about for now.

     "This is actually a really nice room. We're going to have to thank Namjoon," Jungkook said as he was glancing around there room.

     Yoongi smiles. "Well, you're going to meet him in ten minutes. Oh, and I wouldn't be late if I were you. He can get a little, cranky." Yoongi starts to walk to the door, and out of the room.

     Taehyung turns to the door, "Wait! We dont know where the-!" He sees that Yoongi is gone. "-confrence room is." He sighs. "Great, now what."

     Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Dont worry. I know where it is." Tahyung looked at his fiance confused.

     "How do you know?"

     "Um, there was a sign near the front door. Come on, we better not be late." He took the confused assassins hand, and guided him out of the room.

     Taehyung started growing suspicious of Jungkook. First, he was so scared of that Yoongi guy; Jungkook wasn't scared of anyone. Than he was so hesitant to join him on the team. Then he says he knows where this meeting room is. He knows Jungkook said there was a sign at the front, but he was paying attention. There was no sign.

     Jungkook was lying to him.


     Jungkook and Taehyung were waiting for Namjoon awkwardly in his office. Jungkook was pacing around the room and Taehyung was sitting in Namjoon's swivel chair, spinning around in it.

     "Ugh! I'm so board! Where is Namjoon! He was supposed to be here eight minutes ago!" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

     "Tae, I dont think you should be messing around in Namjoon's chair. He could walk in at any moment, and he might not like the fact that you're in his chair." Taehyung stops swirling the chair around. He bends it backwards to look at his fiance. He smiled, and scoffed.

     "He's eight minutes late. Wouldn't you expect the son of the most deadliest mafia leader in Korea to, I dont know, not be late to his own meetings. Whose to say that he didn't set us up. Maybe he and Yoongi lied to us." Taehyung was ranting on and on about this meeting, but did Jungkook listen. No. He was too worried about the man behind his lover.

     "Tae-" Jungkook didnt get to finish, when Taehyung felt two arms grab his shoulders. " I would get up if I were you. That's my favorite chair, and I dont want you to break it." Taehyung immediately got up and ran to Jungkook. He cleared his throat, and looked at the tall, silver-haired male in front of him. And, he didn't look too happy.

     "Oh, um, hi Namjoon." Jungkook nervously waved at the now, mafia boss.

     "Nice of you two to join us. Now, you both are probably confused and scared about what's going on."
     Taehyung gives a sarcastic scoff. "I wasn't scared."

    Jungkook kicks Taehyung's ankle, who winces in pain. Yoongi rolls his eyes and face palms at the young assassin. Namjoon laughs and continues.

     "Anyway, you're probably wondering why I brought you two here. I want you guys to join my team and take place on my mafia." Namjoon looked over at Jungkook because he knew how he would react.

     And he was right.

     He was tense. Scared. Afraid to join Nanjoon, thinks that bad things might happen to him and his fiance.

     Taehyung paused for a second. "So, you dont want to kill us?"

     "Correct," Namjoon stated.

     "Then, yes." Taehyung tried to act calm, but in the inside, he was actually excited. He wanted to look after Jungkook, no matter what. Bit he still didnt know what was going on with Jungkook.

     Jungkook sighs. "Ok, I agree. But only because Tae is doing it." Namjoon smiles and mouths a thank you towards Jungkook. He smiled back and Taehyung couldn't help but feel jealous. Did they know eachother? Taehyung decide to forget about it. For now.

     "So, I'm assuming me and Jungkook  aren't the only ones on this team." Namjoon shook his head.

     "No, you have these three boys as your teammates too, as well as Yoongi." Namjoon showed them the same files his father shower him.

     The two boys stared at the files until Taehyung's eyes landed on a familiar blond-haired boy. He points to the file. "I know him. I work at the same club as he does."

     "Really," Namjoon questioned. "Then this will be a lot easier then I thought. You and Yoongi will go after Park Jimin, while me and Jungkook find Jung Hoseok."

     Taehyung looks at Jungkook, and the soldier cups his fiance's hand in his hands. "Are you going to be ok? We've never been apart on a mission before."

     Taehyung smiles at the brunette and laughs. "I'll be fine. I'm more worried about you."

     "I'll be fine. Besides," Jungkook holds up his hand with his engagement ring on it, "you still owe me a promise."

     Taehyung smiles again and captures Jungkook's lips in a sweet kiss. "I'll come back. And it wont be in a body bag."

     "Not funny Kim Taehyung!" He slaps his finaces arm.

     "I'm kidding! I'm kidding. You're not gonna loose me." Taehyung was about to kiss him again when they heard Namjoon coughing, grabbing there attention.

     "While this isnt, entertaining, we have a mission to get to." Namjoon looks at the now, blushing couple.

     "Alright sunkist, let's go. I'm driving." Yoongi walks out the room.
     "My hair is red not orange jackass!" Taehyung looks at Jungkook and smiles. "I'll be back my love." He gives him a quick kiss and leaves Yoongi.

     Jungkook sighs and looks back at the young mafia leader. Namjoon smiles that familiar dimpled smile at Jungkook. "You ready? Yoongi already gave me the address to Hoseoks location."

     Jungkook nodded. Namjoon walked out and the soldier finally realized what he got himself into. Especially with what happend three years ago with Namjoon.

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