[2] The Tiger and the Rabbit

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     Taehyung has always been alone. No one wanted to be around him. Why? Because they said he was crazy. But, Taehyung wasn't crazy. He was special. Ever since Taehyung was little, he would always claim to hear things in his head. Sounds, voices, laughter. He was always figeting and whispering during class. The teacher tried to help him, but he would always say that he was fine.

     But in reality, he was not alright. When he was 18, he killed his parents in front of his siblings. Taehyung left so he wouldn't end up hurting his younger brother and sister as well. Ever since than he has been walking the streets of Seoul, setting his anger and misery out on other people.

     He was a vigilante, or as they say in the mafia world, assasin. He killed people, simple as that. But, he always did it for a price.

     He worked for other mafia leaders on occasions. But he didn't do it just so he could be bossed around or killed because he wouldn't. He did it to pay for him and his boyfriend. The only person who helped Taehyung in this fucked up world.


     Taehyung didn't like it when he didn't get what he wanted. He was making a deal with one of his clients, when the "client" refused his offer. Taehyung was walking down the ally his "client" was trapped in.

     Mr. Sang looked up at Taehyung with scared eyes. He knew how insane Taehyung can be., but yet he still wanted to challenge the insane assassin.

     "Now, Mr. Sang, you know how my deals go. I talk, you listen. In the end, I either get what I want, or the other person leaves, um, not as pleased." Taehyung smiled at his client as he pulled out his throwing knife that was hidden in his army boots.

     "Don't worry. I'll get it over with quickly." As Taehyung drew his arm back, he felt another dagger hit his, and it fell to the ground. The Assassin looked down at his dagger and back to Mr. Sang, who started laughing.

     "You see Mr. Kim, a smart dealer would look up his clients before doing anything too drastic." Taehyung turned around and saw three soldiers and two other assassins with them. They were all wearing full black and ready to teach the red head a lesson about messing with their leader.

     Taehyung turned back around, ready to scream at the man, but saw that he was gone. A confused look on his face, the assassin turned around to face his five attackers. He was ready to defend himself, when he heard five consecutive gunshots go off, and his attackers falling to the ground.

     A smile broke onto the redheads' lips. He knew who shot those men dead. "I was wondering when you were gonna show up."

     Just as he said that, a boy around Taehyung's height jumped off of the roof next to him. He was wearing all black. Black shirt, black skinny jean's, black shoes, black hat, and a black mask covering his face.

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