[7] Only One Can Remain {2}

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Taehyung and Jungkook walk down hand in hand towards Seokjin's area. Minhyuk was in front of him, curious as to who exactly these people were. He knows that they told him they were related to Seokjin, but he didn't believe them.

Minhyuk stops when they reach Seokijn's vehicle that he was getting ready for his race. The couple stop, but start getting confused when they don't see Seokjin, but they see a small boy with dark hair instead.

"This is Yeonjun. He helps Seokjin with... stuff. I'll just leave you here till Seokjin gets back. I don't know where he is and I couldn't care less, I have a race to get ready for." He walks away, but before mumbling "and win" as he turns around.

Taehyung could only glare at the red head as he walked away. Jungkook turns around and notices the boy's small amount of fear. Jungkook just smiles at the boy, to seem less threatening. "Hello, Yeonjun?" The boy nods. "Do you know where Seokjin is?"


"Yeonjun, who are they?"

The young couple look up and see a tall man with broad shoulders and brown hair coming out from behind a curtain. Yeonjun runs over to the taller man and gives him a hug. "I don't know hyung. Minhyuk hyung said they needed to talk to you."

Seokjin rubs soothing circles on the scared boy's back. He knew how scary everything was for the young boy. "Talk to me about what?"


Seokjin's breath catches in his throat at the name of the group. He sighs before gaining the young boy's attention. "Yeonjun, why don't you head to the back and get some rest. You've done enough for me."

Yeonjun nods and heads behind the curtain. Once he's out of sight, Seokjin's mood changes as he faces the two boys. "So, why exactly do you want to talk about NCT? Are you with them?"

"My God, NO! I would never stoop to those assholes level." Taehyung hates them after finding out what they want to do to him and the other boys.

Jungkook holds his lover's hand to calm him down. "NCT wants to bring in a group of boys to become even more powerful. You are one of them, along with us two. We came here to take you back with us so they can't get to you."

Seokjin crosses his arms. He might believe the boys in the fact that NCT is after him, but he doesn't trust the fact that the boys are taking him somewhere safe. "Do you have some sort of apartment or something to take me back to?"

Taehyung takes his hand and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, not exactly."

Seokijn raises his brow. "What do you mean?"

"We live with Kim Namjoon, and may or may not work under his new mafia." Seokjin's eyes widened, and Jungkook could tell - he was mad. "We haven't come up with a name yet, but maybe you can help us."


"I mean, a little bit."

Jungkook punches his shoulder. "Not the time."

"You're telling me to trust you when you work for someone like Kim Namjoon?" Seokjin has rage all over his face.

"Listen, we don't expect you to work for him, we just want you to come back with us so we can protect you. Namjoon is not a bad person."

"His reputation says otherwise." Seokjin ignores the pleading look on the ravenettes face and goes back to cleaning his car before his race starts.

Taehyung was getting bored. And he really didn't like hearing people yelling at each other. He taps Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm going back to Hoseok and Jimin. Let me know if you can convince him."

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