{13} Escape or Death

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I would like to say that this chapter is a little shorter than you would probably like. Especially since I have been a little absent since the last time I posted a chapter on here. But I promise that there will be another update soon. I wanted to post on this day especially because...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Americans reading this. 

If you are not American and do not celebrate Thanksgiving, then happy Thursday! (Or whenever you're reading this). I don't want to leave you out.

So please enjoy this chapter.


His head is pounding as he hears the siren sounds of ringing in his ears. The pain was unbearable and he could barely get up. Yoongi doesn't exactly remember what happened. The last thing he did remember was Hoseok opening up to them. Then all of the sudden, an explosion went off.


'Wait, where's Jimin!'

The fact that the first person that came to mind was Jimin snapped him out of the dizzy daze. He grabs a hold onto a railing next to him, swaying side to side. He was about to fall again when he felt arms wrapping around him.

"-oongi? Yoongi are you okay?"

Yoongi looked up at the person who was holding him and smiled when he saw the blonde standing above him. "Jimin. Thank God you're okay." Yoongi went to hug Jimin, but a jolt of pain in the side of his stomach made him stop his movement. He falls toward the floor and grips his stomach in pain. Jimin's expression turns to that of worry as he examines Yoongi's side. He gently takes Yoongi's shirt and raises it up. On the side of his stomach was a big purple patch of skin.

"Yoongi, your ribs are super bruised. What did you hit?"

"I don't know." He looks up at the roof that gave out underneath him and Jimin. The others were still in the room, he could hear the faint sound of their bickering from where he was laying. "But you look fine."

"I cut my arm, but it's not that deep."

"Let me see."

Jimin scoffs lightly. "Yoongi, you don't need to worry about me right now. We need to get you out of here." Jimin puts his arm around Yoongi's waist and hoists him up, leaning Yoongi's weight against himself. "We need to find a way to meet up with the others."

"I know where to go, just get us to the car lot and we'll leave this place alive."

"He has a car lot? How rich is this kid?"

"Kid? He's older than you."

"Shut up or I'll drop you."


"Yoongi! Jimin!"

Jin places his hand on Namjoon's shoulder, pulling him back from the broken edge. "Hey, I'm sure they're fine."

Hoseok scoffs. "Yeah, sure. They just dropped two floors and went right through the fucking floorboards. But, hey, I'm sure they're just peachy."

Another explosion sounds throughout the building. The room shares and everyone grabs onto the closest thing next to them. A rubbling sound brings everyone's attention to the ceiling, and they see the top of it start to fall. Taehyung's eyes grow wide, and he immediately grabs Jungkook's hand. He drags him over to the side, just as the ceiling rubble falls. It breaks through the floorboards again, and it splits them up. Taehyung and Jungkook on one side of the room while Seokjin, Hoseok, and Namjoon are on the other.

"Are you two okay?" Namjoon asks them.

Jungkook is shaking in Taehyung's hold, but he nods his head. "Yeah. We're okay."

Hoseok's starts to leave and Namjoon's head snaps towards him. "Where are you going?"

"To the roof. There are more than just us in this building. I need to scope the area. And if I can knock some of these people out, I will." Hoseok's face was serious. He was between so many emotions. Hurt, anger, sadness, doubt. Namjoon just nods towards him. Hoseok doesn't wait before heading out the door. Namjoon trusted that Hoseok can navigate his way out of this place and get to the rooftops with no problem.

Another explosion goes off, startling the four boys. Taehyung holds onto Jungkook tight, not wanting to let go. The shaking passes and Taehyung brings the younger to his feet.

"We need to get out of here."

"Yeah, no shit, Namjoon." Seokjin sasses their leader. He was still confused about what Namjoon said to his father earlier. He feels bad for eavesdropping, but he couldn't help it. And now, Namjoon's life was in danger and all he wanted to do was drag him out of this hellhole and to safety. "Is there anywhere we could even go once we get out of the building?"

"The safe house," Jungkook says before Namjoon could respond. "It's a building way out in the middle of nowhere. Namjoon and I always went there when we had to lay low. You know, with our parents being in the top five and everything."

Namjoon nods his head. "Right. That will be the best solution. Yoongi knows the way to the safe house too, so he and Jimin should be there too."

"If they're alive," Taehyung mumbles.

"Then that's where we'll meet." Seokjin turns towards the two youngest, a pleading look on his face. "Be safe you two."

Jungkook smiles lightly. "You too."

Seokjin and Namjoon both give the youngest a last look before heading off, leaving out the door on their side of the room. It takes Jungkook and Taehyung a couple of moments to take everything all in.

Taehyung glances over at Jungkook. The boy was really nervous. He was fumbling with his hands and his breathing was a little uneven. Taehyung takes the boys hands into his own, stopping them from fumbling, but they were still shaking. Taehyung has never seen Jungkook so vulnerable. And he's seen the boy bloody in front of him.

"Hey, we'll get out of this - Together, you and me. Okay?"

Jungkook looks up at Taehyung. He can see the earnestness behind his eyes. He nods his head, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, we will."

But, he spoke too soon. The floor rumbles below them. Taehyung thinks with his heart first, and pushes Jungkook away. Jungkook tumbles and falls to the floor. The wood gives out below Taehyung, making him fall. Jungkook panics as he looks at the now empty space. "Tae!"





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