{14} Close Encounter

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Jimin was having a hard time holding Yoongi up and trying to guide them through the building that is slowly falling apart. They already fell once, and Yoongi wasn't going to survive another one if it were to happen. Jimin subconsciously starts to walk faster.

Yoongi winces in pain at the sudden movement. "Jimin, wait, calm down." Yoongi lets go of Jimin and falls, leaning on a piece of furniture nearby. Jimin stops, looking back. He hated seeing Yoongi look so weak. It wasn't fair that Yoongi was the one hurt. Jimin rushes over and leans on the ground next to Yoongi.

"Hey, you okay?" Yoongi just winces in response. "Right, dumb questions." He lifted the side of Yoongi's shirt, and it did not look good. The bruise was starting to turn darker and faint, red was surrounding it. "Okay, i-it's fine. We need to get you out of here."


"We'll get you to a hospital."


Maybe Namjoon knows-"


Jimin pauses at the sound of his name coming out of Yoongi's mouth for the third time. He and Yoongi stare at each other, both holding worried and scared expressions. Yoongi slowly lifts his hand up to caress the side of Jimin's cheek. Jimin weekly smiles. He doesn't know why. He just does.

"You -" Yoongi's mouth is dry. He was tired, exhausted and just wanted Jimin to survive. "You're going to have to go without me. I'm just dead weight at this point."

Jimin couldn't believe what Yoongi was saying. Did Yoongi really just want to sit here and die? "No." Jimin shakes his head, looking around the room with anxiety in his veins. "No, there is no way in hell I am leaving you."

"Jimin, now is not the time to be stubborn."

"I am not being stubborn!" Jimin places a heavy hand on Yoongi's chest, stopping him from moving even an inch on the floor. Yoongi looks at the hand that is placed over his chest. He didn't know if Jimin realized he did it but his hand is inching closer to his heart. Jimin takes a deep breath, trying not to show how shaky it has gotten. "Yoongi. You are the only person who has shown me any amount of love. I have been abused by my family, ignored by so called friends, and cat called and used more than once at my school. You have shown me my worth in this bullshit world. There is no way in hell I am leaving you to die when I just started to feel what love is like."

Tears slowly start to fall from Jimin's eyes as silence passes. Yoongi did not know what to say and how to respond to Jimin's confession. Yoongi never would have thought that he would be the reason for someone wanting to risk their life. He fell in love with Jimin the moment he met him. He thought he was beautiful - like an angel. But that was the only reason.

He read Jimin's file and all about his background. Like Jimin mentioned, he has been through hell and back. Both of them have. Maybe that's why they are so perfect for each other. Yoongi raises his right hand (cause lets be honest, he can barely feel his left hand) and gently caresses the side of Jimin's face. Jimin raises his head, his dark irises staring back at Yoongi's own. Yoongi swipes his thumb under Jimi's eyelashes, wiping off the tears that dare threaten to fall.

"Stop crying. I hate seeing you cry."

Jimin brings his hand up to cover Yoongi's. Yoongi will never get tired of looking at the size of their hands. They were both the same height, yet Jimin's hands were so much smaller than his. "So, will you let me get you the hell out of here?"

Yoongi just nods. He can't give up on Jimin. He can't give up on himself. Jimin lowers himself so he can wrap Yoongi's arm around his shoulder. Just as he starts to lift up Yoongi, a shot goes off next to them. Jimin lowers Yoongi, and the ravenette groans at the sudden impact.

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