[8] Settling In

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Yoongi has been pacing back and forth in Namjoon's office since Jimin has called him. Jimin told them that Taehyung and Jungkook went to talk to Seokjin, but that was about 3 hours ago. He was starting to worry about them. Well, he was starting to worry about Jimin.

"Yoongi, relax. I'm sure they are fine."

Yoongi grips his mint green hair in frustration. He really didn't want to lose any of those boys. Sure, Jimin was his main reason for worry, but the other boys are risking their lives for Yoongi and Namjoon right now.

Namjoon can tell why his friend is nervous, and he just smiles. "You know, you should tell him how you feel."

Yoongi gives the boy a glare. "And how am I supposed to do that? Tell him, 'I've loved you ever since I've seen you, and I want to punch every single asshole who treated you like shit!'"

Namjoon has a little smirk on his face as he stares behind the boy. "Well, you don't have to tell him anything. You already did." Namjoon points behind him and Yoongi freezes as he realizes what the boy is saying.

Yoongi looks behind him and sees Jimin standing by the door, a shocked expression on his face. Hoseok and Seokjin are standing behind them awkwardly, watching the exchange go down. How is Jimin going to react?

"Jimin, please, I..."

Jimin doesn't let him finish and runs out of the room, down the hall. But, he wasn't going to his room. He just wants to be away from Yoongi right now.

"Jimin, wait!" Yoongi runs after him. He needs to talk to him about what he said. Did he misunderstand him? Does he not like him? Does he feel disgusted by him? He needs to talk to him.

Namjoon doesn't really process everything happening between the two. All he's focused on is the beautiful brunette in front of him. Hoseok coughs to grab his attention. "We accomplished our mission, if you couldn't tell."

Namjoon smiles and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um, I see that." He furrowed his brow at the absence of the other two. "Um, where's Jungkook and Taehyung?"

Seokjin speaks up. "Jungkook got shot. Taehyung brought him to their room so he could fix him up. Apparently this has happened before." There's a moment of silence before Seokjin tosses their car keys towards Namjoon. "Also, don't expect to ever drive in that car again. NCT messed it up pretty bad."

Hoseok was prepared for Namjoon to lash out at the boy, but Namjoon being the whipped boy he is, just nods and says, "it's okay, I've got more." The sniper just rolls his eyes and leaves, heading to his shared room with Jimin, and now, Seokjin.

Seokjin and Namjoon are left alone, together, in silence. Namjoon doesn't know what to say, and Seokjin felt a little intimidated. Namjoon takes a deep breath before speaking up. "Listen. I don't want you to think I'm a bad person."

"Too late."

"But, I can prove to you that I'm not the mean and awful person everyone says I am."

Seokjin crosses his arms and leans on the doorway as he stares at the tallers brown orbs. "How? By not yelling at me that I ruined your car."

"That wasn't you, that was NCT."

"It doesn't matter, you should still be mad at me."

"Do you want me to be mad at you?"



"Because I want to believe that it was you!"

Namjoon pauses. "What?"

Seokjin can feel the tears about to form, but he doesn't let them fall. "I don't want to be proven wrong when I told everyone that my parents' death was planned. That... it wasn't an accident."

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