[10] Opening Up

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Everyone was quiet after what happened with Taehyung. They didn't know anything about the boy that much and were shocked at the sudden panic attack the younger one had. The fact that they were hiding it, kind of makes people think, "do they have any other secrets?" And that's exactly what Seokjin was thinking.

They all stand in Namjoon's office, in plain silence, as the leader thinks about what to do next. He takes a deep breath before getting up from his chair that lays behind his desk. "I would like to have a little talk about our first mission. But, considering our situation with Taehyung right now..."

He pauses and looks at all of the others' faces. Some had faces full of sadness and remorse for the young boy. Others had faces of confusion laced between their brows. "I think we all just need to take a step back and collect our thoughts. Take the rest of the day off. I will be here if you need me. Dismiss."

Hoseok doesn't take a second thought and immediately heads to his room. He was shaken up at the events that took place, and he couldn't help but think back to... her. He walks towards his room and down the hall. He was about to open the door, when he felt a gust of wind coming down the hall.

He grows confused and looks at the single window that separates the hallway, as well as his room and the Taekook couple. He pulls back the curtains on the window and is a little surprised when he notices a hole in the middle of the window. He takes a closer look and notices that it looks strangely like a bullet hole.

He starts to panic. Why was there a random bullet hole in the window? Was this a sign from NCT? He shakes his head. He can't worry about that now. He looks over at the Taekook room and sighs before silently opening the door. He sees the couple cuddled together on the bed, both asleep. Taehyung has a tight hold on Jungkook's waist and doesn't seem to be letting go any time soon.

Hoseok smiles at them before leaving the room and heading to his own.


What Yoongi was expecting when he got into his separate office was a bunch of paperwork and late stuff that Namjoon stuck there. But, what he wasn't expecting was a neatly written note laying on his desk.

I want to talk to you... privately. I'm sorry about the way I reacted and I thought stuff over. Meet me on the roof as soon as you can, please. I'll be waiting.


Yoongi's eyes go wide as he reads the note, as well as who signed it. He forgets about everything he was planning on doing, and runs out of his studio - towards the roof. He rushes up the steps and the door slams open. The wind almost makes the door slam back at him, and the mint-haired boy almost falls off of his feet.

He looks around, but doesn't see the boy anywhere. He looks ahead and finally notices the boy sitting near the edge of the roof - his feet dangling off of it. He looked relaxed and content. Yoongi smiles and makes his way over.

Jimin can hear the footsteps coming from behind him and he looks up to see the older man smiling down at him. He doesn't have to ask before Yoongi starts to sit down next to him. He feels a little nauseous as he looks below them, but he gets caught off guard when he feels Jimin's hand on his.

He looked at his hand and couldn't help but blush at how small Jimin's hand is compared to his. "Just, don't look down." He laughs. Oh, Yoongi can listen to that and laugh all day.

"Um, you wanted to talk to me?"

Jimin's expression turns serious again. "Yeah, about that. I wanted to talk about... last night." Jimin tries to look at Yoongi for any sort of reaction, but Yoongi just motions for him to continue. "Listen, I'm sorry about yelling at you and making it seem like a big deal. You didn't know I was back in the room, and you didn't want to tell me anything but I just wanted to clear any misunderstandings and messed up feelings. Wait! That's not what I meant, I-"

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