[1] The Beginning of Something New

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13 years later...

     Namjoon snapped out of his trance and looked at his bedroom door. His best friend Yoongi was standng in the doorway with his black jacket, black shirt with white strips, dark ripped jean's, and tennis shoes. 

     "Ugh, yes, what is it?" Yoongi looked at Namjoon's hands and saw a picture of Namjoon and his mother when he was little

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     "Ugh, yes, what is it?" Yoongi looked at Namjoon's hands and saw a picture of Namjoon and his mother when he was little.

     Yoongi cleared his throat. "Your father wanted to talk to you and I about something." Namjoon nodded his head and looked down at the picture. "I'll be down in a minute." Yoongi nodded and left the room.

     Yoongi knew a lot about Namjoon and his background. Yoongi has been apart of his family since he was 14. Namjoon's dad found him in an alleyway, and brought him home. Right away, he met Namjoon and the two became friends immediately. Almost like brothers.

     Namjoon glanced back at the picture before closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, and getting dressed for his special meeting with his father.

His outfit

But with a black leather jacket

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But with a black leather jacket


     Namjoon and Yoongi both stepped into Mr. Kim's office. They both walk in nervous. They don't know what he is up to, or what he wants the two boys to do.

     "You both are probably wondering why I asked you here." Both of the boys nodded.

     "Well... I want you to leave the mafia." Both of the boys eyes grow wide. They couldn't believe it. Mr. Kim was kicking them out. And when he "fires" people, they dont always leave alive.

     "Dad, what do you mean? You're not gonna kill us are you?" Namjoon was terrified. Ever since his mother died, his father has been nothing but protective and kind for both him and Yoongi.

     His father gave him a confused look. "Kill you? Namjoon you're my son, why would I kill you? I think you misinterpreted what I said. I ment, that you need to leave my mafia, because its time that you need to start one of your own."

     Both of the boys sighed in relief, until Namjoon realized what he said. "What! I have to lead my own mafia!" Namjoon was terrified. He didnt want to have to make the same decisions his father had to.

     "I know it's a lot to ask, but I've trained you well." Daehyun puts a arm around his sons shoulder. "You can do this. Besides, I'm getting old. You have to take over at some point."

     Namjoon nodded his head in understanding. He knew that one day he would have to lead his own mafia, even be leader of his own. Namjoon looked over at Yoongi, and could tell that Yoongi was kind of excited. Namjoon smiled, but Yoongi could tell he was nervous.

     "So, I'm assuming me and Yoongi aren't exactly the only peope on this 'team'" Daehyun smiled at his son and pulled open a drawer from his desk. He took out four files and placed them in front if the boys.

     Please don't make fun of these next photos

     Yoongi's eyes grow big and he smiles at the blonde boys profile, whose name was labeled as Park Jimin

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     Yoongi's eyes grow big and he smiles at the blonde boys profile, whose name was labeled as Park Jimin. "Damn". Namjoon gives him a glare. "What! How can I not look at those muscles!"

     Namjoon rolls his eyes. "Yoongi, you're gay is showing." Namjoon looks back at the files and sees a tall man with dark brown hair and broad shoulders. "Damn".

     Yoongi smiles. "Um Namjoon," he clears his throat, "you're gay is showing." Namjoon glares at him, as he watches him go on his phone.

     "So, how are we gonna find them? Who are we gonna find first?" Namjoom didnt take his eyes off the tall brunette. He secretly wanted to have him join first, but reading his file, he might be a little more stubborn than the other ones.

     Namjoon's dad grabbed two of the files and handed them to Namjoon, taking his attention off of the dark haired boys profile. "Jeon Jungkook, and Kim Taehyung. It'll be easy considering they're both living together."

     Namjoon turned towards his father. "Are they a couple?"

     Daehyun nods. "I still dont know where they are though."

     "They live in a small apartment near the edge off Busan. xxx-xxx." Yoongi looks up from his phone. Both Namjoon and his father are staring at Yoongi, giving him weird looks. "What? You didn't name me your best hacker for nothing."

     Namjoon smiles at his best friend, as well as Daehyun. "Min Yoongi, you never seem to amaze me. Now that you know were they live, you can go after them.

     Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Damn it."

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