[9] Training

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I just want to start off by saying I am so sorry for being the worst author and just putting off this story for, like, ever. It literaly took me OVER A YEAR to update ONE CHAPTER. I feel so bad and I just feel like I'm letting you guys down. I'm gonna be honest and say that I'm not off of Wattpad. I still read stories from other authors all of the time. I guess with finals this week and basketball it's just been so stressful and I've had no motivation to do anything. 

I guess the only good thing that's happend recently is that I finally turned 18 a week ago. But, on the same day I got my period, we lost our basketball game, and I had a terrible time falling asleep. I also got sick and ended up getting a terrible cough that still hasn't gone away. 👍

To make up for it, a little extra chapter. It seemed longer, if it isn't I'm sorry. This chapter is going to be going a little bit into the Taekook duo and there background. 

Enough of my complaining. LETS GET TO THE CHAPTER!!!!!!

Jimin woke up with a groan as he heard the blaring sound of Hoseok's alarm going off. He slowly starts to get up and is first met with Seokjin getting ready. "Hyung?" Seokjin turns and smiles at the boy's messed up hair.

"Good morning sleepy head. You should probably get ready."

Jimin still isn't fully awake yet. He gives the boy a confused glare and Seokjin can't help but laugh. "We have training today, Jimin."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Jimin gets startled when the sniper leans down from the top of the bunk and starts hanging from it. He starts falling from the top and lands his hands on the bed, bouncing off and landing on his feet.

Seokjin rolls his eyes. "Will you stop messing around? You're going to hurt yourself."

He scoffs. "Whatever mom. I'm a parkour expert, I don't need you to baby me."

"Okay, stop. We don't need to start arguing before we go to training." Hoseok scoffs and leaves the room, heading to Namjoon's office.

Jimin sighs and starts to get ready in the silence of the room. Seokjin could still see that the boy was upset. Was it because of last night? What did he and Yoongi talk about? He decides not to think much about it, and just walks out of the room.

When he walks out of the room, he notices Taehyung and Jungkook walking out of their room that was across from them. He walks towards Jungkook. "Hey, Jungkook, can you show me where the training room is? I'm... kind of lost."

Jungkook widens his eyes in panic. Now was definitely not the time for him to bring up his past with Taehyung. Taehyung furrows his brow in confusion. "Why would Jungkook know where it is? We haven't been here for that long."

Seokjin was about to speak up, but before he could Jungkook interrupted him, seeing a familiar face walking down the hall to save him. "YOONGI!" He runs to the smaller male while the others are left in confusion.

"Um, hey Kook. I was walking down here to see if you were all ready." He notices the missing blonde. "Where's Jimin."

"I'm here."

Jimin walks out of the room, finally ready and looking a bit tired. After all, he didn't get much sleep after last night. Yoongi blushes at the cute bed head of the younger one. "Um, why are you so excited, Jungkook?"

"We need you to show us to the training room. Will you show us?"

Yoongi gives the boy a weird look. "But you...

"I am very confused by the weird twists and turns of this big mansion that I have NEVER been in before a couple days ago."

All of the other boys were confused about the boy's weird tone of voice: Taehyung especially. Why has the ravenette been acting so weird lately? Yoongi finally understands what the boy means.

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