{12} Conflictions

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This chapter isn't as long as some of my other chapters, and I'm really sorry for that. But! Inspiration has struck me today. I am feeling a lot more motivated and my time is a lot more free now that I have no more classes or now that I don't have to worry about Softball. So, as a little surprise, I'm going to do a double update. Two days ago, I uploaded another chapter of 'Inhumans' and I am going to update it again today as well as anothr chapter from here. So please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.

I am not responsible for any heartbreak that might happen.

Mr. Kim sighs a breath of relief when he sees his son walk through the door with everyone else behind him. He runs up to Namjoon and gives him a hug. Hoseok leaves the father and son and walks to his room, not bothering to listen to anyone.

Yoongi walks up to them, his hand outstretched with the flash drive in his grasp. "Here's the information from Mr. Kangs' computer."

Namjoon's father takes it and smiles at him. "I assume everything is already encrypted?"

Yoongi smiles back. "Did it on the way back, sir."

"Good job Yoongi. But remember, Namjoon's your leader. You don't need to call me sir anymore."

Yoongi nods, and Jimin starts to drag him away. "If it's okay with our leader, we're going to get warm. That river was very cold."

Namjoon laughs. "Sure."

Jimin grabs Yoongi's hand and drags them to their - now - shared bedroom. Taehyung leaves with Jungkook, and Seokjin follows after Hoseok.

Namjoon's father grabs Namjoon by the shoulder and pats his back. "Go get cleaned up. We can talk about the mission after supper."

"Thanks, appa."

Namjoon and his father both smile at each other and Namjoon heads to his own room to get cleaned up. After the dive in the river, he hasn't been feeling the best. No one has.

Time passes and everyone has gotten cleaned up and has eaten something before going there separate ways. Taehyung and Jungkook have been training together. They wanted to be alone so nothing like last time happens.

Hoseok has been at the shooting rage and gong through target after target. So many holes plastered in one spot.

Yoongi's been doing some hacker stuff and Jimin has just been watching Netflix in the corner of the ravenettes room. They don't need to talk to each other to spend time together. That's just how some couples are sometimes.

Seokjin has been all over the mansion. He's been talking to many of the staff members, asking them questions and getting to "know them". He was just about to head back to his room when he walked passed Namjoon's office and heard him talking to his father.

"So, how did the first mission as a full team go?"

Namjoon sits back on his desk chair, reminiscing about the mission. "It was... good I guess. As far as first missions go."

His father laughs. "I guess I can agree. You did pretty clumsy things during your first mission."

"I wonder who I get it from," Namjoon states as he takes a sip from his wine glass. His father sarcastically scoffs and gives his son a mischievous grin.

"Just tell me, how did it really go? How did everyone do?"

Namjoon places the glass down on his desk. He contemplates the words he wants to say. Everyone did their own thing in the mission that worked out for the better. They all contributed with their own talents and skills.

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