[Bonus] Dynasty

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This isn't apart of the story. (Sort of)

September 12, 2002

Kim Namjoon giggled as he heard his dad walk past him for the third time since their little game of hide and seek started.

Sure, Namjoon's dad had a whole mafia to take care of. But he also has a son that he would give anything to make happy.

Namjoon held his hands over his mouth as to keep quiet so he wouldn't get caught by his father. His joy was soon interrupted when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso and soon, hugging him.

"Found you!"

Namjoon looked up and pouted as he saw his mother's dimpled smile. He loved that smile. But, not at this moment, becuase that smile ment he lost and Namjoon didn't like losing. Especially when it was his favorite game.

"Eomma! You weren't supposed to find me! My hidey place was soooooo good!" Namjoon soon started crying.

Seoyun frowned and wiped his tears away. "Oh Joonie, please don't be sad. It's your special day. You can't cry on your birthday."

Soon the tears dried up and Namjoon smiled again at the realization that today was his birthday. He was finally 8 years old!

"Come on Joonie. How about we go find your father and tell him how bad he is at this game." Namjoon giggled. He knew that even if he lost to his mother, he still would never loose to his father.


Seoyun smiled and lifted her son so he was now leaned against her waist.

Meanwhile, Namjoon's father was still looking for his "lost" 8 year-old. He was starting to tear his office upside down. Damn! How was is son so good at this game?


Daehyun turned around and groaned as he felt his son run full force into him. He smiled and picked up his son and put him in his lap.

"Eomma found me before you did!"

Daehyun looked up at his wife. "How? I've been looking for him for the past 40 minutes!"

Seoyun smirked. "I dont know, I guess I'm just so good at hide and seek."

Seoyun walked over to her husband and gave him a small peck on his lips.

Namjoon covered his eyes. "Eww! Eomma just kissed Appa!"

The two Kim's smiled at their son and took him to the living room so they could give him their gifts.

It was one of Namjoon's favorite birthdays ever.
Exactly 16 years later...

Namjoon stood in the kitchen holding a cup of hot chocolate in his hand and just stared straight at the cabinet across from him.

He didnt know why he was thinking about his mother. Maybe because he finally succeeded in getting the team he's always wanted. And maybe, just maybe, because it was his birthday. His 14th birthday without his mother waking him up to make blueberry pancakes.

He thought he would be used to it by now. But, he isnt.

He was finally snapped out of his thoughts when he felt arms wrapped around his waist and a pair of soft lips on his cheeks.

"What are you doing up so late? Its 12:37 in the morning."

Namjoon smiled at the brunette. "Just thinking hyung. I guess I lost track of time."

"One, I told you to not call me hyung. Jin is fine. Two, I know you were thinking about your mom again." Seokjin leaned his head on Namjoon's shoulder. "Come on, tell me."

Namjoon just smiled at his stubborn lover. He sighed. "Fine. I was just thinking about my 8th birthday. My parents and I were playing hide and seek together." He smiled. "Its funny. People say that my father is the most ruthless mafia leader ever. But in reality he just wants to play hide and seek with his son."

Seokjin smiled at the taller male. "Sounds like you had fun." Seokjin grabbed his hand. "Now, how about you go to bed and in about seven hours you can wake up and I can make you some pancakes."

Namjoon looked at his boyfriend. "Make them blueberry and you have a deal."

"Sure, I'll make them blueberry." Seokjin put the now empty mug into the sink and grabbed the youngers hand. "Thank you. Oh! And," he kissed the leader on the cheek. "Happy Birthday."

Sooo... I procrastinated. Again. And I still have not finished the next chapter. I promised you guys an update and I thought of this last night so, I decided to make a little bonus chapter.

I might make a few more of these in the future in case I ever have this, um, "issue" again.

Aka my procrastination.

Anyway, I know this wasn't what you were expecting, but I hope you still liked it.

Also, I love namjin 🥰


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