Chapter 15 - Christmas at the Burrow

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We step out of the train. Malfoy shivers on my shoulder and curls a little on himself.

"Dear old Slytherin! It's s-so cold!"

"Sorry, I know, but don't worry, we'll soon be in the bus" I apologise. "Just bare it for a few minutes, I can't put you into my pocket."

"O-ok, b-but be quick p-please."

Ron, Hermione and I wait for Ginny to join us. She bids farewell to her friends and runs towards us. She smiles to me, I respond to her smile. I am feeling less and less uncomfortable when I'm around her. I guess I only needed some time after we broke up to come back to our... 'sister of my best friend-best friend of my brother' relationship.

We leave the Platform 9 ¾ and go out of Kings Cross Station. Hermione's parents are here to pick her up, she wishes us a merry Christmas and leaves. We walk round the station to hide from Muggles and wait there.

"Uh, I hope the Knight Bus will come soon, I'm chilling!" Ron's teeth are chattering.

"Where is this damn bus?" Malfoy complains. "I can literally feel my scales freezing one after the other ! I'm a tropical snake, damn it!"

"Ron waved his wand, just have a little patience- Hey!"

He wriggles into my coat and slides under my jacket, I quiver. His body is so cold! I can't help but let out a little cry.

I tug on my collar and look down disapprovingly at him; his small head is coiled against my chest, his tail circling my waist.

"Get out of here."

"No. I'm cold."

"Malfoy, I'm not a hot water bottle."

"You are" he chuckles. "Haaa, it's so warm in here..."

I shake my head and give up. When I lift up my gaze I see Ron's face. He's staring at me, poker-faced.

"Dude..." he sighs.

"What? Sorry, but I need to talk to him in Parseltongue sometimes-"

"I wasn't thinking about this" he sneers.

He gives an intent gaze at Draco, still under my coat, I roll my eyes heavenwards. He chuckles softly, Ginny seems lost.

The Knight Bus arrives finally, the three of us –sorry, the four of us– rush inside of the vehicle.

Once into the bus, Draco the Snake dares to dart his pointy head out of my collar to look at the view. Ron doesn't pay attention to him, but Ginny doesn't look quite at ease... I try to talk as often as possible to the transformed wizard, ignoring the sly looks from the other passengers. I don't want Malfoy's mind to be substituted by the one of the snake...

We arrive to the Burrow within an hour. We unload our trunks from the bus, Mrs Weasley goes out from her house to give us a hand as soon as she sees us. Her eyes search for the snake on me and she immediately spots its head pointing out of my pullover's collar. She shivers, but she pulls herself together quickly.

She welcomes us with a warm smile. Since I know her very well, I know she is a little bit uncomfortable around the snake, but she's very good at trying to hide it.

"Harry, this is so nice to see you, how are you sweetie?" she greets me.

"I'm fine and you? Where's Mr Weasley?" I reply.

"Still working. He's having a tough time at the Ministry, a lot of dark artefacts have been hidden by Death Eaters last year, and Muggles keep discovering them in their gardens or their garages so they have a lot of people to obliviate, you see" she sighs. "But he'll be there for dinner tonight for sure!"

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