Chapter 8 - Out of sync (+18)

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"This is incredible."

"Yes, unbelievable."

Draco looks at McGonagall and me rather sourly.

"Looks like déjà-vu to me" he mumbles.

After our little visit to the Slytherin dormitory, we went straight to bed. (Merlin, that sounds kinky!) But –surprise surprise– I woke up in the middle of the night with Malfoy, human again, sleeping peacefully on me...

(Yes, you read the last line right. ON me!)

Even if it was the second time, it was still a bit of a shock. Actually, since I am a bit more alert today than I was yesterday, I am utterly aware of the fact that Draco Malfoy was brand naked against me. It took me aback and I still feel rather troubled. I look at him.

Dressed with one of my Gryffindor red sweater and a pair of pyjamas, he's sitting on a three leg stool in front of the headmistress and me. He has dark rings under his eyes. His skin is really pale at the light of the candle. I bite my tongue, trying to erase from my memory how soft his skin was and how warm his body was against mine.

McGonagall is trying to find an explanation.

"Is it possible that... maybe he stops being a snake every times he falls asleep?"

I shake my head.

"No. When we took a nap, earlier today, he didn't turn back into a human."

She pinches the bridge of her nose.

"So... does it only happen at night? No, it can't be linked... (She sighs.) Maybe one of the spell I tried, or one of Professor Slughorn's potions...? That's frustrating : we tried so many things on him, now it's impossible to determine which one of them worked... Well, partially worked."

Malfoy stands up and walks towards the hearth, where the flames are devouring a log. His face is distorted with bitterness.

"I guess I will probably become a reptile again by tomorrow morning..."

"At least you have a few hours during which you have both your arms and legs."

He squints.

"That's witty, Potter."

"In a certain way, he's right" McGonagall says. "For a few hours, you are a plain wizard again."

"And so what?" he shrugs. "It doesn't change anything."

"I understand your frustration, Mr Malfoy, but think about it. Now you can follow some of your classes... by night."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You could sleep during the afternoon around midnight, then you and Potter could wake up and take private classes with your teachers. And if you become a snake again in the morning, you can attend the morning classes with Mr Potter."

"So I would be awake from midnight to midday" he concludes. "At least I'd be performant a few hours..."

"Wait" I cut them. "You said 'you and Potter'?"

The headmistress sharp gaze focuses on me.

"Yes, of course. I'm afraid you'll have to continue to keep company to your classmate..."

"Why?" I frown. "If he is a wizard, he doesn't need my protection anymore. It's useless to be clingy now, isn't it?"

Malfoy's pale, grey eyes flicker. He averts his face quickly. Hm? Did I hurt him somehow? I thought he would be sharing my opinion... I try to ignore the tinge of guilt I feel suddenly.

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