Chapter 22 - Rock, paper, scissors (+18)

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"I am relieved to see that you are fine, Mr Malfoy" McGonagall smiles.

"Thank you Professor."

Draco tries to flatten his tangled, wet hair with the palm of his hand. We are in the headmistress' office. We had to dress up and eat at full speed to be here as fast as we could.

"Do you think you can go to class today?" the teacher asks, a tad worried. "After what went through, I can imagine that you are a bit shaken..."

We explained our teacher where we found Draco. She seemed to be really glad that the attackers didn't try to hurt him again. Draco doesn't reply straight away. He ostensibly looks at me, he seems to be meditative. I have no idea what he's thinking about.

"I-" (His voice breaks, I'm sure he's faking it.) "I'm feeling a little feeble, but... I guess I can go to class with Potter tonight."

I don't know what kind of career he wishes to embrace, but he should definitely consider acting as an option! The headmistress seems to be fooled.

"You shouldn't push yourself too hard, you've been through a lot lately" she nods.

I raise an eyebrow. A few years ago, she would have send us to class without even enquiring about our state of mind. Is she getting sentimental with time ?

Draco conceals a smile. He sighs wearily.

"Okay, then we'll study in our room tonight and we'll rest a little..."

And the Hogwarts Oscar of the best acting skills goes to... drumming rolls... Draco L. Malfoy ! I have to bite my tongue not to laugh. Does he want to spend time with me so badly ? What a flirt !

"Sure I will tell the other teachers that they don't need to get up at four a.m. to teach you. Go and rest, boys, see you tomorrow."

We say goodbye to her and leave her office. As we walk in the corridors, I give him a sidelong glance.

"Are you feeling that bad?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"We have some unfinished business Potter" he sniggers.

He gives me a smirk, I sense a tinge in my lower abdomen. I look at his lips for a second.

But whatever he may have planned, once we are at the Gryffindor Tower, we have to revise with the others, who were waiting for us.

To tell the truth, this revision session is excruciating for several reasons. First, Draco keeps glimpsing towards me discreetly, clearly not thinking about his potion exercises. I'm doing the same, but I have to be extra cautious not to get caught because someone's watching me. Ron looks calm, but I can feel his gaze on me. However, when I raise my head to look at him, he stares at his homework with intense concentration.

During two whole hours, I'm incapable to learn a single thing.

Around midnight, when everybody goes to bed, Draco and I gather our stuffs and go up to our room. He sits on his bed as I lock the door. I face him. He gives me a mischievous smile. Walking towards him, I slide my hands into my pockets and stares at his face.

"Soooo, what do we do now...?" I wonder.

"I don't know, you tell me" he says playfully. "We are alone... in a room with two bed... we have a few hours before the sun rises up.

"Well, we didn't discuss about a certain matter. I guess, if you want to do it and I want this too... we could take turns?" I suggest.

He pale eyes are set on me.

"Do you desire me that much?" he asks doubtfully.

"What about you?" (He averts his gaze. I wait a few seconds and go on.) "Should we play it with rock-paper-scissors on who goes first?"

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