Chapter 23 - My turn! (+18)

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The next day (sorry, the next night), we wake up in the same bed and Draco seems rather sleepy. We go down in the Great Hall, I head towards the Gryffindor table, he goes to eat with the Slytherins. I sit with my friends.

Before we go back to the dormitory to revise together, Ron pats my shoulder.

"Mione gave me a long list of books to pick up at the library, can you give me a hand?" he asks.

"Yes, sure" I nod.

We leave the group. I glimpse towards Ron as we walk side by side in the corridor. He is too calm lately and I wonder why.

"We haven't hanged out for a while..." I say to break this awkward silence.

"That's true, you're spending a lot of time with Malfoy lately..." he argues.

Huh, this is exactly the type of discussion I wanted to avoid. I bite my tongue.

"Yeah, you know, he remains the same. Arrogant, annoying... but I guess we got used to each other by dint of spending time together."

We arrive at the library, he looks at the list.

"We should start from that side" he says.

The librarian casts a glance at us, but doesn't say anything. She's used to keep the library open later for us, since Malfoy and I need to study at night. We walk in the alleys and start searching for books.

"Did... something happen between you and Malfoy? I mean, you two seem really close..." he starts, trying to sound casual.

"Yes, as I've already told you, it's because we spend a lot of time together, since I have to watch over him."

Ron takes a book from the shelf and nods thoughtfully.

"One day at the Burrow, I had to pick something from my room and I saw him and you on one mattress."

He stares directly into my eyes, I blush. He just dropped a bomb, how am I going to get out of this ?

"Hum, yes, that should have been... strange to see I guess." (I gulp, trying not to look too embarrassed.) "The snake seeks warmth. He comes into my bed and when Malfoy turns into a human he keeps sleeping where he is, because... er, he's a heavy sleeper."

The speech I did is not convincing at all and we're both aware of it. I don't know if I can tell him what kind of relationship I have with our ex-archenemy. If Ron turns his back to me because he thinks it's disgusting, or because he disapproves... I don't know if I could handle it. He's my best friend, almost a brother to me, his family is like the family I've never had.

"Harry" he sighs. "I've known you for a while now, you are my best friend. So please... don't lie to me. (He makes a pause.) Are you... falling for him?" he insists

I can't hide the truth, I bet he already knows. He just wants to hear it from me. I swallow loudly.

"Would you be... angry or disgusted... if I am? Will you still be my friend?" I wonder.

He sighs again.

"Come on mate, we know each other for seven years, we did so many things together, I won't turn my back on you for this" he lets out.

"Well, I... I care a lot for him and... (Good Old Gryffindor, this one will be hard to say.) I realised I am attracted to him" I confess.

He nods thoughtfully, his face remains unfathomable. I wait for his reaction, worried-sick.

"Is it the same for him?" he questions me.

I hesitate. I don't know what are Draco's feeling towards me and I don't know if he would be thrilled about me talking about it. Looking at Ron, I weigh my options. After a few seconds, I decide that I should be completely honest with my best friend.

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