Chapter 19 - Reverse Spell

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McGonagall, holding Malfoy's wand into her hands, looks at me in disbelief. It's the first time in eight years that I see her gaping like she does right now.

"Don't tell me this is... this is actually Mr Malfoy's wand...?" she stammers.

"It is" I reply.

"Do you realise what this means? We can perform the Reverse Spell on it and maybe... maybe we can finally have a clue on what turned Mr Malfoy into a snake!" she exclaims.

"We do realise that" the Slytherin boy answers sternly.

My best friends and I look at him in concern. Ron, Hermione and I decided to go straight to the headmistress office to tell her we found Malfoy's wand as soon as we had told him. He wouldn't calm down since that moment.

"Good old Godric Gryffindor, but where did you find it!?" she exclaims.

The blond Slytherin folds his arms and sniffs smugly.

"Weasley boy right here discovered it in his dormitory" he drawls. (McGonagall stares at him in disbelief.) "Near Longbottom's bed."

"I was packing my stuffs for class when I heard a noise behind me, like a pencil falling on the ground" Ron explains. "Then I saw Malfoy's wand rolling on the ground, out of under Neville's bedside table..."

"A Gryffindor student" my roommate insists.

I pinch my lips, McGonagall is as pale as a ghost. She doesn't move for a few seconds, as paralysed.

"This is... This is a rather surprising outcome. (She pauses.) Longbottom... isn't the type of person you would imagine doing such a thing..."

"You mean, the dude who cut a snake's head clean off with a sword?" Malfoy snarls.

He seems to be on the point of blowing up. His arms and shoulders are tense, the veins on his hands are pulsing violently. I can see a small muscle twitching above his jaw. McGonagall recovers her composure, sensing she has to deal with the situation before our classmate loses control. She stands up and walks towards Dumbledore's portrait.

"Albus, could you go to Pr Sprout and ask him to come in here? I think I need someone neutral to help me sort this out..."

"Pr Sprout?" Draco growls. "This is literally Longbottom's number one fan!"

Ron frowns at him.

"Come on Malfoy, you know she's rather impartial-"

McGonagall stops him, raising her hand.

"No, Mr Weasley, he's right. I didn't think about this detail. I wanted to make her come here only because she's helping us to try to find a solution about the spell that transformed Mr Malfoy into a snake, but she is rather close to Mr Longbottom." (She turns to the portrait again.) "Better ask Pr Flitwick then, Albus."

The ex-headmaster nods.

"I'll be quick, Minerva."

He leaves, she darts her gaze on Ron.

"Mr Weasley... Find Mr Longbottom and tell him to come in here. Don't forget to give him the password."

He hesitates.

"Do I have to come back with him?"

"You better not" she sighs. "There will be enough people in here. Stay in your dormitory, Mr Potter will give you all the information you'll need to know afterwards. Ms Granger, you can leave as well."

Hermione wants to insist, but she catches my eyes. I nod towards Malfoy, she understands my silent message.

We don't need a public.

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