Chapter 2 - Malfoy, come out of this closet!

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It's four o'clock in the morning. My robe is folded on the back of a chair, I am sitting on the ground and my head is wobbling. McGonagall's tight bun is messy, her lips are pinched and she's pacing in circles, muttering some spells she hasn't tried yet. Malfoy's head is settled upon his tail, eyes half closed, fighting sleep.

Our teacher has been trying to turn Malfoy back into Malfoy again for hours. She casted every spells she knows, tried every counter-curse, but nothing worked. She's exhausted, I can't remember my name and Draco is out.

She lets out a sound of mere exasperation, the Slytherin and I both jump.

"I can't think of anything anymore!" she cries, clearly frustrated. "Nothing works!"

I rub my eyes, yawning.

"Maybe we could call it a day... or a night..."

"No" she mutters, still pacing furiously in the room. "No-no-no, I'm sure there's a way... I just need more time."


"Is it over?" Malfoy asks sleepily. "Am I a wizard again?"

"We should stop for now. We need a break and some sleep, Professor" I try to reason with her. "After a good night of sleep, maybe you'll find a solution..."

She pinches her lips. Her shoulders sag slightly.

"Perhaps... (She massages her forehead.) Where can we settle him for the night?"

"Near the fireplace? I don't know a lot of things about snakes, but usually they like warm places, don't they? And the castle is pretty cold..."

"Yes, you're probably right Mr Potter."

She waves her wand, a blanket appears and folds itself in front of the hearth. She walks to the desk and takes the snake with great caution.

"Hm? What is it? We go to beddy-byes?" he mumbles sleepily.

I chortle.

"Yes. It's time to go to beddy-byes, Malfoy."

She leaves him on the blanket. I bid the headmistress goodnight and go out of her office.

I step on the turning staircase and wait until I reach the corridor to look at my watch. It's four twenty AM. Awesome, I have to wake up in less than two hours.

Malfoy is really good at messing with my life...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"No offense mate, but you look like an Inferius" Ron notices.

"Very tactful" Hermione sniggers.

I yawn and scrub my eyes. My two best friends and I are walking to the Great Hall to eat our breakfast. I'm weary, I only had a few hours of sleep and I have class all day.

"No, he's right. I'm a mess" I grumble.

We step down the stairs, Hermione casts a sidelong glance at me, curious.

"Where were you last night ? You didn't come to eat nor to study in the Common Room after dinner."

"Nor did he come back to the dormitory" Ron snorts. "He collapsed on his bed, he didn't even take a shower. I had to pour a glass of water on his face to wake him up this morning."

"I was busy with McGonagall, she kept me all night long because of Malf-"

We were about to step into the Great Hall when the headmistress suddenly appears in front of us; we jump in surprise.

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