Chapter 16 - Naughty boys (+18)

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I open my eyes slowly, lazily. I notice Malfoy, lying on me, between the blanket and me, as usual. His head is resting in the crook of my neck, I can feel his hair caressing my face, his breath tickles my neck.

Shite. I'm rock hard.

I gulp. I slightly move my hips to be less uncomfortable. Unfortunately, my movement makes things even more awkward, my cock thrusts against his groin.

I huff some air through my nose. Damn, this situation is inextricable. How will I get out of here –without creating a diplomatic incident? Maybe if I try to turn... I'll manage to position us face to face and I'll be able to slip away to go to the bathroom... I check the time. Thank Merlin, Ron's not in the room now. It's 5 PM, we're not supposed to get up before an hour...

I pass my arm around Malfoy's waist and try to turn my body on the right, but I stop. My sex is sliding on his leg, it's really troubling. I bite my tongue and continue. I'm feeling hot, sweat drips down my neck and torso, wetting my t-shirt. He moves a little, still completely lying on me.

He moans and his fingers grab my shirt. I sweat even more.

I want to fuck him right now...

Biting my lip, I let my arm lay along my flank and, knowing that what I'm doing is wrong, I start to rock my hips upwards... slowly... softly... I glimpse towards him to make sure he doesn't wake up. Pleasure starts to grow stronger.

He sighs and moves a little, I stop immediately. My fingers are trembling. He yawns and moves against me, obviously waking up. He freezes when he feels his own semi-erection against me.

I hear him swallowing hard.

He puts his hands on each sides of my head and pushes himself up to come off me. He looks down at me and suddenly realises... I'm wide awake.

A flash of pure horror shines into his eyes... which is quickly chased by astonishment when he feels my shaft pressing against his groin.

We stare at each other for a few seconds. I know he is attracted by me and he knows I am as well. For weeks, we pretended everything was normal, we were trying to ignore each other's in the bed... My frustration is reaching its paroxysm today, I'm fed up of having constant morning woods and to pretend I don't hear him jerking off in the shower... Now we can't deny the naked truth...

But I am afraid to scare him or upset him. I don't want him to flee.

"Don't talk please" I murmur. "Don't... say... a word..."

He gulps again. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my mouth, and to my eyes again. He parts his lips, I notice they're trembling.

I start to rock my hips again, slowly. He gasps and closes his eyes. I continue to move. Unconsciously, he starts to follow my rhythm, thrusting against me.

It becomes more and more intense. A muffled whining escapes from his throat, it makes me completely crazy. I part my legs so he can press heavier against me, he lays his elbows on each side of my head. He takes the lead and imposes his rhythm. I look at him, panting. He's frowning, his expression is so intense...

I grab his ass, he lets out a little cry. He quickly open his eyes to check the door.

"No one can hear us, there're downstairs" I whisper, out of breath.

"Let me go" he hisses angrily, making a little tap on my hand.

I hold his butt a bit more firmly.

"I let you go if you let me go" I sneer.

"Shut up" he moans, moving faster.

We are on the edge, urging to conclude. I suddenly grab his nape and yank him towards me. I slide my tongue over his throat and suck on his skin. He tastes like male soap and sweat, it makes me thirsty. My fingers dig into his hair, he moans. Good old Gryffindor, I knew they were soft as hell!

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