Chapter 30 - Trapped

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Moaning softly, I move a little.

Aw. My... everything hurts. What happened to me...?

My head is... dizzy... Am I lying on the ground? I try to move my arms, trapped under my own body, but I can't. They don't obey me, numb and cold.

Ties are actually binding my wrists into my back, cutting off my blood circulation.

All right... Don't panic now... Breathe in calmly... and breathe out... You're conscious and alive, that's two good points already.

Slowly, carefully, I open my eyes. The place is very dark, but I can recognise the stones of the castle around me. Another good point, I'm still in Hogwarts. Let's think positive!

Something moves next to me, I dart my gaze at it and sigh. It's Draco! He's alive and... oh crap, he's also tied up.

"Draco?" I murmur. "Draco, are you all right?"

He winces and opens his eyes as well. He gives me a quick glance.

"Harry?" he slurs.

"I'm here, don't worry" I whisper, sitting up.

He sighs and rolls his eyes comically, mouthing a silent 'yay'. I don't raise it. I'm not in the mood for humour right now. He tries to sit up as well.

"Where are we?" he asks. "What time is it?"

We both jump as we hear footsteps into the darkness.

"You are in the dungeon and it's three o'clock in the morning" someone answers.

Shite, I thought we were alone in here... Who is it, I didn't recognise the voice of our aggressor... I scrutinise the darkness, my mouth is dry. The footsteps come closer and when I can finally see the person standing in front of me, my jaw drops.

It's Dennis Creevey!

"You?" I say, dumbfounded.

He looks at me with concern.

"Does your head hurt, Harry? Are you feeling all right?" he asks worryingly. "I'm so sorry, but you will soon understand..."

I am too surprised to get angry right now. Staring at him blankly, I can't make the link between him and our abduction.

"Did you... Are you the one who kidnapped us?" I stutter stupidly.

"No" Draco snaps, irritated. "He just happened to walk into the dungeons and found us just by chance. Merlin, are you dumb or stupid!?"

Ignoring him (our domestic quarrels would have to wait for now), I focus all my attention on the young Gryffindor.

"Why did you do that?" I exclaim.

Now that my eyes are getting accustomed to the poor amount of light in the room, I see he has dark circles under his eyes. He's very thin, unhealthily skinny actually. His skin is grey and his hair are dull.

"Harry... I need to explain to you... to explain to you everything I did" he says. "I want you to know... why I did what I did..." (He stops, out-of-breathe, then he goes on quickly.) "The Death Eaters can't get away with their crimes... Too many of them are on the lose... Despite what the Ministry did, some of them are free. I want to be an Auror to catch them and send them to Azkaban –you already know that. But- But I have to prove that I am worthy of becoming an Auror. So I imagined a plan to capture Lucius Malfoy."

I gulp. Yes. Since he's keeping us in here, I had already figured that out. What worries me is : what is he going to do with us now? And why Ron attacked us? What is his role and to what degree is he involved in this? And why isn't he here with us?

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