Chapter 5 - Let me in your bed tonight

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"He said that when we perform this spell, we have to lower the wand downwards or it will-"

Flitwick scowls at me once again, Ron winces sympathetically. Rolled on my desk, Malfoy sighs.

"Did I... Was I doing it again?" I ask.

"Yes" Mr Flitwick says in a rather irritated voice. "Yes, Mr Potter, you were talking out loud –again."

"I'm sorry" I mutter.

"You were talking in human language, I didn't understand a word of what you were saying" Malfoys observes flatly.

"Really?" I groan sarcastically.

He squints. I take my glasses off and run my hand on my face. I had a very short night yesterday, for the second time in a row.

First, Slytherin students (mostly close friends of Malfoy) came to the Gryffindor table to harass me with threats and orders, telling me that if anything happened to Draco, they would cut my fingers one by one, I'd die in horrible suffering and so on...

Then Hermione kept us up for hours, asking questions about Malfoy's transformation and about what solutions McGonagall had tried already. When we could finally go to bed, around one o'clock, I had been confronted with a little problem.

Where would Malfoy sleep?

I categorically refused to let him in my bed. What if he bit me? What if I moved and suffocated him by accident? So I forced him to roll himself around the column of my four-poster bed.

"You're a snake" I argued when he started complaining. "Snake can sleep on branches, can't they?"

The problem is, Malfoy has the body of a snake, but apparently he doesn't have their instinct.

So he felt five times on my face during the night.

I sigh. I rub my eyes and put my glasses back on my nose. I lock eyes with the snake on the table and try to focus.

This is going to be a long, long day...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I step in the Hospital Wing with Hermione, Malfoy wrapped around my shoulders. McGonagall told me to come here after my afternoon class, but I have only one thing in head, taking a nap as soon as all this is over.

The headmistress has apparently organised a little happening : Slughorn, Pomfrey and her are in deep conversation. As we walk towards them, they stop speaking instantly.

"Oh, Miss Granger" the teacher of potions says in a surprised tone. "You came with Mr Potter..."

"I am here as an external consultant" she replies excitedly. "Don't mind me, please proceed."

McGonagall raises an eyebrow.

"An external consultant?" she repeats.

Hermione is so thrilled she's almost twitching.

"Malfoy decided to ask Hermione to help him resolving his problem." (The teachers give me a questioning look, I shrug.) "Hey, don't look at me like that, my opinion hasn't been consulted."

They seem a little bit surprised, but don't insist.

"Pr Slughorn and Mrs Pomfrey have been working on the venom that we extracted from Mr Malfoy's fangs two days ago. They were giving me their conclusions..."

Hermione rummages frenetically into her bag and takes a quill and a piece of parchment out of it. She starts to take notes. Malfoy sniggers.

"They tested your venom, there're about to tell us what they found" I tell him.

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