Chapter 6 - A Slight Disappointment

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"This is incredible."

"Yes, unbelievable."

"And he was in your bed? Transformed into a human?" McGonagall asks in disbelief.

"Yes" I say sourly. "In his birthday suit."

I fold my arms on my chest. I am in the headmistress office in the middle of the night, again, to discuss Malfoy little problem. Again.

Good old Godric Gryffindor, I lack so much sleep that I can literally feel the shadows under my eyes deepen by the hour! Malfoy is in the same state than me: he is slumped in a chair, wrapped in one of my oversized t-shirt and pants, his head is wobbling as he is struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Did you see what caused this change?"

I run my hand on my face.

"No. I was sleeping."

"Will I stay like this?" Malfoy slurs.

McGonagall looks at him with concern. She's wearing a dressing gown and her hair are framing her severe face. She jumped out of her bed when I knocked at her door and she seems really worried for her student.

"I'm afraid I don't know. This is hard to say..."

"Ok..." (He's looking at the ground. I think he's too tired to be disappointed.) "I will... go back to my dormitory then, it's useless to stay there to wait or to blabber about this."

He tries to get up, but he staggers almost immediately. I jerk forward to support him.

"Wow!" I exclaim. "You won't be able to walk to the Slytherin dormitory on your own! We will help you down the stairs and-"

"No" McGonagall interrupts me abruptly. "Mr Malfoy will stay here with me for now."

She gives me a knowing look, it takes me three seconds to cotton on. Oh, yeah, right. We still don't know who turned him into a snake, he's running a risk to be attacked again.

"But where will he sleep?" I ask.

She stares at me, wondering if I am completely stupid or dumb. She draws her wand out of her pocket and waves it. She conjures a camp bed with clean sheet in front of the fireplace.

"Oh, yeah. With magic. Of course" I say flatly.

I help Malfoy into his bed. I feel a little troubled to feel him against me, his skin is so warm. It's weird, after having had his cold scales on me all day... I look down at him. His eyes are closed, he seems so innocent. His blond lashes (lashes can be blond?!) are so thin... and his hair...

"He's safe here" McGonagall says reassuringly. "You can go Mr Potter, you deserve a few hours of sleep..."

I blink.

"I was- You think I am-" (I blush.) "No! No-no-no-no-no! I am not worried for him! I was just- I- He-"

She pats my shoulder sympathetically.

"He's alright now."

I give up. I yawn and bid her goodnight. I leave her office, dragging my feet.

Thank Merlin, this snake story is over!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Dude. If you go on like this, you will drown in your porridge" Ron laughs.

"Harry. Harry." (Pause.) "HARRY JAMES POTTER!"

I start and knock my cup of tea by accident, spilling it all over the table. Hermione shakes her head.

"What? When? Who?" I say, completely dazed.

Ron bites into a sausage.

"You're sleeping in your plate."

I groan, burying my face into my hands.

"I am too tired! I'll be destroyed all day, I won't be able to listen my classes..."

"What happened last night?" Ron wonders. "And where is your slithery friends now?"

I open my mouth to answer, when I hear someone clearing her throat right behind me. I turn. I have to bite my tongue not to moan in despair.

McGonagall is walking towards me, carrying a bright green –and rather sulky– snake.


I stand up with resignation and walk towards her.

"He was back to this form when I woke up this morning" she explains with a sorry look on her face. "He refused to eat."

I sigh. Since I found Draco in the tree of the parc, we were feeding him with small pieces of raw meat, it was too difficult for him to swallow living frogs or mice. I make a huge effort to smile. Malfoy is staring at the ground, he's stiff and he seems on the point of exploding.

"So... You didn't eat this morning... What's wrong?"

His tail sways.

"Do not... talk to me today" he lets out, his voice shaking with anger.

I look at the snake. Then I extend my both arms towards McGonagall.

"Give him to me. I'll handle this."

She hands me the snake. He doesn't move, he stays there in my palms. He refuses to slide up my arm. The headmistress walks away, I cogitate for a minute.

"Harry?" Hermione calls. "Are you alright? Why was Malfoy with McGonagall?"

"Yes, I-" (I clear my throat.) "I need to talk to him, I'll head to class first..." I lie.

"Ok, see you later then."

I go out of the Great Hall and ascend the stairs. I don't pay attention to the students' eyes fixed on me. I cross the castle.

Malfoy is still sulking. He realises I'm walking to the wrong direction after a while.

"Hey." (I ignore him.) "Hey, idiot." (He rises up his head and darts his tongue out, irritated.) "The classroom is the opposite way! Where are you going?"

I don't answer.

"Wait, this is the Gryffindor dormitory, isn't it?"

I give the password to the Fat Lady, the portrait swings open. I walk through the Common Room and go right to my bed.

I take off my shoes and climb up into my bed. I close the curtain and lie down. I settle the snake on my stomach and close my eyes.

"Stop ignoring me, Golden Idiot! Why did you come here?" he pesters me.

"I thought you didn't want me to talk to you today?" I sneer.

I feel him moving slightly on me.


"I don't know how you feel about it, but I haven't had seven hours of sleep in the last three days. I am exhausted, I am off the beam and I'm sure I won't bear a full day of classes so..."

I open one of my eyes to look at him questioningly, he stares back at me.

He rolls on my abdomen and lays his head on my chest. I snigger.

"That's good Malfoy, great snake..."

"Shut up..." he grumbles in a sleepy voice.

We fall asleep within a minute.

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