Chapter 34 - Sleeping Beauty

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Chewing on my lower lip, I'm staring into the void.

"I can't believe this brat took my appearance to lure and attack you" Ron says in disbelief.

Hermione nods, looking annoyed, Draco chuckles.

"The first thing that crossed my mind when he aimed his wand at me was: 'The Redhead duped me, I didn't see that coming!'" (He gives my best friend a lopsided smile.) "Actually, you were rather convincing as the villain..."

I frown, Ron shoots daggers at him.

"That's not very funny" Hermione lets out.

"Granger, I didn't know you had a weak spot for bad boys" the Slytherin goes on.

"He took your appearance as well, to capture your dad" she argues. "Doesn't that bother you?"

He nods.

"Let's say he's lucky to be guarded by two Aurors right now... or else I'll give him a piece of my mind" he smiles coldly.

The threat is thinly-veiled. I sigh. My roommate turns towards me and, realising I'm still there, he taps on my arm.

"Well, Golden Potter boy here already avenged us all, didn't he? Launching a venomous snake on your classmate... even by my criteria, that's a tad extreme!"

"Don't twist the knife... I'm feeling so guilty about it..."

He makes his tongue click.

"Oh come on, don't be a sissy."

He doesn't insist though; silence falls upon our group.

What a night... and a day. I run my hand on my face, exhausted. Dennis slept more than ten hours, the matron was pretty worried about it. He opened his eyes around seven PM and the Minister for Magic in person has been grilling him for over an hour and a half by now. Ron, Mione, Draco and I are waiting in the headmistress office after dinner –she's in the Hospital Wing as well, she wanted to witness the questioning. Hermione took a seat, but the three of us decided to stay on our feet, feeling too nervous to sit still.

"By the way... do you remember anything from today?" Ron asks.

He addressed directly to Draco. The latter seems surprised.

"Remember... what?"

"You turning into the snake... biting Dennis... and staying with Harry for the rest of the day. Do you keep any memories of that?" my friend wonders.

"Oh, hum..." (He ponders that for a few seconds.) "No. Whenever how hard I try. The last thing I saw was when I changed into the snake. And then... nothing. Nothing at all." (He seems thoughtful.) "I regained consciousness tonight, when I was in my body again. It's as if... as if I woke up from a long sleep..."

"At first I totally freaked out" I confess. (They turn their faces towards me.) "But in the end, you being a snake gave us an opportunity to escape."

"Well, I panicked too!" he exclaims. "I have absolutely no control on my transformations and we were in a tricky situation. This was the worst moment to turn into a reptile!"

"It seems you were more dangerous as a snake than as a wizard" Ron mocks.

"Come on, Ron" Hermione reprimands him.

"It gave young Creevey a taste of his own medicine" Draco retorts smugly. "And it gave him a little lesson : never piss a Malfoy off."

I roll my eyes to the ceiling, Ron coughs, concealing a smile.

We hear light footsteps coming up the stairs, we turn our gazes towards the door, that flings open. The headmistress and Kingsley Shacklebolt enter the place.

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