Chapter 10 - Night Attack

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"Ms Granger, this is really important, did you tell someone about Mr Malfoy?"

"I didn't say a word, Professor, I promise!"

"This attack shouldn't have happened, I don't understand!"

"Secrets in Hogwarts don't last long, people have been talking"

"You were lucky you haven't been harmed Mr Potter..."

"The students are wondering why Harry and Malfoy only go to the morning classes" Hermione cries helplessly. "The Gryffindors are growing more and more suspicious, maybe someone guessed!"

"Enough!" Malfoy shouts.

Everybody stops yelling, we all turn towards him. Arms crossed on his chest, he shoots dagger at the headmistress.

"Bushy Hair didn't say a word, I trust her word" he snarls.

"Thank you for your trust, Malfoy, and get lost for the 'bushy hair'."

She tries to flatten her hair with the palm of her hand, glaring at the Slytherin boy. He snorts.

McGonagall, Hermione, Malfoy and I are in the headmistress office. As soon as the attack was over, we ran to her to report what happened. She decided to wake up my friend to ask her if she had said anything to anyone. But our teacher's anxiety and frustration turned into a police questioning, Hermione is now on the verge of breaking into tears.

(She's not so emotive usually but, in her defence, she had been dragged out of her bed in the middle of the night and was told we were attacked in the castle just a few minutes ago.)

"This is bad" McGonagall whispers. "This is really bad. It means the person who attacked Mr Malfoy is still after him. He or she really holds a grudge against him. (She goes on in a louder voice.) Did you notice some details about the assaulter, anything that could make it possible to identify him? I know that during a fight you don't really pay attention to things, but maybe..."

Malfoy snaps his fingers, seeming to recall something.

"He was doing Non-verbal magic!" he exclaims.

"Yes, that's right!" I realise. "I didn't hear him saying the spells!"

"Only powerful or very trained wizards can do that" Hermione lets out.

McGonagall nods thoughtfully.

"Only teachers and seventh years could use curses with non-verbal magic..."

I clear my throat, the three of them turn towards me.

"Professor, there is something more..." I say with difficulty. "When the aggressor threw the spells on us , I saw he was wearing..." (I wince.) "He was wearing a scarf around his face, to hide it I guess... and I noticed it was a red... Gryffindor scarf."

A resounding silence follows my statement. The headmistress sits slowly on a chair, troubled.

"Why wearing a scarf, there was a chance that he would be seen..."

Malfoy shrugs.

"With the darkness, maybe he thought we wouldn't see it. Or maybe he plotted to kill us both and that we wouldn't be able to mention it."

"Lovely" I shiver.

McGonagall looks at me thoughtfully.

"If he wanted to kill Draco, he would have killed him when he turned him into a snake, wouldn't he?" Hermione argues.

"If it's the same wizard." I retort. "Maybe someone wanted a piece of Malfoy, knowing he's more vulnerable now that he is a snake."

"But I was a human then" he frowns.

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