Chapter 3 - Wands troubles

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Sitting on a stool next to the staff table, Malfoy curled up on my laps, we are waiting with apprehension. The Great Hall is empty, except for the teachers.

"It's surreal" Malfoy says.

"Yeah, you're right" I nod.

All the wands of the all students of Hogwarts are lined up on the four House tables. McGonagall interrupted the classes this morning, took the wands of the students and put a label with their name on it. It's five o'clock now. From first years to eighth years, they are all confined in their dormitory. The teachers have been testing the Reverse Spell on the wands to see if they could find the curse that turned Malfoy into a snake.

And they failed.

They worked for hours and they found... nothing.

McGonagall walks towards me. She seems both exhausted and discouraged.

"We didn't find anything" she lets out.

"I know, I have guessed by the look on your face. (I pause.) Ok, then... what are we doing now?"

She adjusts her glasses.

"We're going to give their wands back to the students and let them out of their dormitory. I think I will announce why we did all this to the students tonight, during the dinner..."

I lower my gaze on Malfoy, he looks back at me.

"They didn't find it, did they?" he sighs. "I can tell by the look on your face."

I smile faintly.

"Yeah, hum... She's going to tell you're a snake to the dinner."

"Alright. (He moves slightly and looks into my eyes.) You'll be with me, won't you? You'll translate me what she will tell them?"

"Yes, I'll translate you everything" I promise.

"You'll tell me word by word what she'll say?"


"And, please tell me if someone is whispering behind my back... so I can make a list of whom I have to kill when I'll be a wizard again" he spits.

I turn to McGonagall.

"He's fine with it" I lie.

"All right. I think you two should have a break. Could you come into my office just before dinner?" she asks.

"Yes, sure. Professor... (She darts her eyes on me, I look at her sympathetically.) was a good idea."

"Thank you Mr Potter. See you later."

I nod and take snake-Malfoy into my arms. I set him on my shoulders and walk away.

"We're having a little free time, my sweet Slytherin. Where do you want to go?"

He slides on my nape and settles his head on my left shoulder.

"I would like to go by the lake."

I frown, puzzled.


"I'd like to pick up my wand. When I woke up in a snake body, trust me, my clothes and wand were the last of my concern! But I'm not feeling well, knowing it's out there..."

"I can imagine."

I understand him all too well. The rare times I wasn't having my wand in a difficult situation, I felt as if I was naked, exposed and vulnerable.

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