Chapter 17 - Keep your secrets secret (+18)

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The second week of the holiday, Hermione arrives to the Burrows. It has been decided that she would sleep in the twins room, since it's empty.

She seems very happy with the gift we sent her (a gift token for her favourite bookshop from me and Muggle tickets for a musical from Ron). We spend several hours talking about the other solutions she has been thinking about to turn Draco into Draco again.

During the night, when the Slytherin boy and I come back to Ron's room at four o'clock in the morning, he's surprised to see that my best friend is not here.

"Where's Weasley?" he asks, perplexed.

"Which Weasley?" I snigger, shutting close the door behind us.

"Don't play dumb" he sniffs, annoyed. "Where's Ronald?"

I turn the key inside of the keyhole to lock the door.

"With Hermione" I answer.

He raises an eyebrow, the shadow of an impish smile plays on his lips.

"Really?" (He chuckles in disbelief.) "What a flirt!"

I step towards him. He doesn't step backwards, staring at me attentively.

"Lately, Ron's biggest problem is to find places to... 'spend some time' with Mione." (He winces.) "I know. I can't imagine them having a sex life either, that's... ew." (He chuckles nervously, I go on.) "Anyway, he told me that at school it's difficult for them to have some privacy. We negotiated. He let me take you here and I promised to... pretend he sleeps in his room with us."

He bursts out into laughter.

"I wondered how you managed to convince him! That's how you got him!"

"I have to make his homework for a month too" I chuckle.

I turn to take my clothes off and wear my pyjamas when I notice Draco's expression. His eyes are glowing with avidity.

And he's looking right at me.

"When is he supposed to come back?"

"Not before at least two hours."

I'm breathing rather heavily. He averts his gaze, hiding a little grin.

"And the sun won't rise up before hours... How fucking convenient, don't you think?"

He starts to strip. I take off my pullover and undo the zip of my fly. He's ignoring me, but I'm sure he feels my eyes on him. I put my pyjamas on and stare at his pale, thin body. He's slender but he's doesn't look frail though... His abs are well designed... I wonder if he's supple... I gulp.

"Did you lock the door?"

"Yes" I reply.

"Turn off the light" he orders.

He sits on my mattress with a naughty air, I sneer and obey. I come back to him and slumps next to him.

"So much grace" he sniffs smugly.

"Malfoy... You're on my bed" I mock.

"Am I?" he retorts playfully.

There is only a ray of moonlight coming from the window. I can't see his face. It helps me to be a little bit more courageous, things seem less real in the dark... I take a deep breath and lean towards him, brushing my lips on his ears.

"If you stay in my bed, I no longer answer for my actions" I whisper.

"Don't talk" he sniggers. "You're ruining the moment."

I can't swear on who kissed the other one first, maybe we just both rushed on each other. Since the first time we... touched each other, we did it every night. It is impossible to restrain myself, I crave for his body so much that I can't help myself to jump on him. This doesn't seem to bother him, actually, he responds rather positively to my solicitations...

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