Chapter 7 - Pansy's panties are lousy

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I step into Slughorn's office, yawning. I've skipped classes all day and Hermione told me off during the dinner. I have to confess that I don't care, this long nap set me in a better mood and even if Malfoy didn't cheer up, he's less sullen. The potion teacher greets us with his usual, debonair smile.

"Good evening Harry, thank you for coming in here."

"Good evening Professor."

"Could you lay the sna- I mean, could you set Mr Malfoy on my desk?" he asks.

I take Malfoy out of my neck. I can't help but think it's weird how fast I got used to touch him. I've been carrying him with me for two day and I'm already used to him. (Maybe I should worry for my own mental health...)

He straightens his body up and darts his tongue out.

"What is Pr Moustache going to do?"

"He wonders what you will try on him" I translate to Slughorn.

"I have made an oil that you will have to apply on his scales twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. I will show you how to do that."

I repeat this to Malfoy, who shivers.

"You mean that this old walrus is going to give me a massage?" he gulps.

I snort.

"Didn't you tell me your nape was rather stiff?"

He shoots dagger at me. Slughorn sits behind his desk and takes a bottle. He pours some liquid into his palms and rub them together. He stretches out his hand, Malfoy lays his head reluctantly into it.

"You have to start from the nostril" the professor explains, showing me the gesture. "Avoid the eyes. Then go down to the neck, make sure to put the oil on all the body.

The snake wiggles with discomfort. The teacher continues his explanation.

"Be careful, you have to rub the right way, from the head to the tip of the tail."

He goes on and when he's done, I take Malfoy back. He's all greasy and slippery. I take the bottle and thank Slughorn.

"Can you bring me somewhere?" he asks casually as we leave the teacher's office. "I'd like to take something from my dorm."

"Yes, of course." (I walk towards the Slytherin Dungeon.) "Do you remember the password?"



"Can you, by any chance, give it to me?" I sigh.

"I'll say it myself when we'll be there" he retorts dryly.

I roll my eyes.

"And how will you be able to say it, if I may ask?" I mock.

Silence again.

"Oh. Oh, I see. Well the password is 'Pansy's panties are lousy'" he answers. (I burst out laughing.) "Hey! What's wrong with you? You scared me!"

I giggle.

"Are they, really?"


"Are the panties of your girlfriend lousy?" I wonder.

He gets irritated.

"Potter, even if it's none of your business, I do NOT date Pansy. She's a friend. It's not because you don't have a love life that you should keep fantasising about mine!"

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