Chapter 11 - Sweet Dreams (+18)

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The owls rush into the Great Hall, I don't pay attention to them. I was really attached to her, I couldn't resolve to purchase another owl after Hedwig's death. Plus I had nobody to write to, so I gave up the idea. This is why I am rather surprised when an eagle owl lets a letter fall on my head.

"Who is it from?" Ron asks.

"From his mom" I say, pointing Malfoy on my shoulder. "And the message's probably not for me."

He winks naughtily.

"I don't know... Maybe the old hag, with her husband on the loose, wants some company in her huge, cold bed..."

I wince. Hermione spits some pumpkin juice and gives him a stern look.

"Ew." (I wave the letter in front of Malfoy's gaze.) "Your mom answered."

He raises his head instantly.

"Oh really?" he says with great interest. "Perfect. I'll read it when I'll have hands again."

"Don't you want me to open it and read it to y-"

"No!" he cuts me briskly. "It's not urgent, I can wait midnight. Thank you."

I frown.

Despite what he said, he's fidgeting impatiently all day and when he's back into a human again, he rushes on the letter to read it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm getting more and more used to Malfoy's presence into my bed. I don't wake up anymore when he turns back into a human –I gave up the idea of chasing the snake from my bed, he constantly sleeps with me now. But one night, he manages to wake me up again.

I open one eye lazily. He is talking during his sleep indistinctly. He mutters, frowning. I look at him for a minute, he seems to be having a particularly vivid dream.

I close my eyes again, sighing. I try to fall back into the peaceful waters of sleep, but I suddenly hear him whisper:

"... Potter..."

I open my eyes wide. What?

"... Potter... no..."

I stare at his face. What is he dreaming about? He's breathing heavily, a drop of sweat runs aesthetically along his temple. Maybe he is having a nightmare, I should probably wake him up...

"... no, don't... touch me... here..."

I freeze. He sighs loudly and smiles.

I gulp and wriggle in the bed to get a little closer to him. I lean forward.

"Malfoy... I'd pay dearly to know what I'm doing to you in your dream..." I whisper to his ear.

His smile gets broader, he snuggles up to me. I am really excited, and I don't understand why. Malfoy is a guy, so why am I so happy that he is thinking about me? I shouldn't be so turned on.

"... don't... kiss me here..."

I brush slightly his lips with my index finger. Searching his face for any sign that he would be waking up, I slide my hand under the blanket. I go down his stomach and, my heart beating like crazy, I cup his sex with my palm.

I bite my lips, waiting for him to react, he doesn't turn an hair. I caress him.

"... Potter..." he gasps.

Getting bolder, I take his cock into my hand to make him hard. He whines a little and his leg wraps around my leg.

"... ngh... yes... Potter, yes..."

I jerk him, going up and down his shaft, slowly, softly. My heart is throbbing, I have to hold myself not to urge on his lips to kiss him. I want to touch him, I want to hold him... to feel his skin under my tongue and burry my nose into his hair...

He gapes, panting, I wank him faster. His face is distorted for a second, he comes quickly into my hand.

His whole body relaxes against me. His head rolls on my shoulder, his breath is heavy. I keep staring at him, I can't help myself.

Shite. I'm hard now. I sigh in the dark, rubbing Malfoy's nape with my thumb. I try to think about my Divination class –Divination has always been completely uninteresting to me– to calm me down.

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