Chapter 29 - A friend and a fiend

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"What were you talking about?" McGonagall insists. "What was so important that a wizard felt the need to perform a Memory Charm on Miss Granger?"

"I don't know!" Ron repeats for the hundredth time.

As soon as we discovered that my Cloak had been stolen –and once the window I broke with a chair in a fit of anger had been fixed– we ran to the Headmistress office to tell her what happened. She's been questioning Ron and I for an hour now, trying to determine what caused Hermione to get her memory erased. Both her and Draco are here as well.

"What you discussed yesterday may give us a clue on whom turned you classmate into a snake" she says. "It would also help discovering which one of my students is a cold manipulator and a kidnapper!"

"Professor, please! She is the one with a high-performance brain" Ron moans, pointing Hermione. "If we can't rely on her, we're buggered! That's it!"

"Come on" Draco sighs. "You are so close to know the truth, make an effort!" (He bumps my arm with his fist to make me react.) "Hey. Aren't you going to say anything at all?"

Arms crossed, I don't reply, still pretty mad. Everybody turns towards me.

"Harry..." Hermione starts to say.

"Come on, stop pouting" Draco snorts. "Your daddy's old cardigan was taken away, so what? The thing was probably old-fashioned and moth-eaten."

It takes all of my willpower not to lose control and jump on him to shut his trap.

"First of all, it was a cloak" I reply dryly. "Second, it was the only thing I inherited from my dad and it was given to me by Dumbledore." (He raises his eyes to the ceiling. I deliberately omit to talk about the vault full of Galleons in Gringotts and go on.) "Third, this cloak makes anyone wearing it invisible, which gives an important advantage to the person who stole it."

McGonagall nods thoughtfully.

"That actually explains a lot..."

"Hey! I said the same earlier!" Draco smiles.

I frown and turns towards him, angry and frustrated.

"Well, maybe you don't care about that cloak, but it's very important to me!" I hiss.

"Oh, it's very important to me" he imitates me. "My dad wore it once, blablablah..."

"Bite me!" I spit, stepping forward menacingly.

He steps backwards, amused, but suddenly his eyes flicker on my face.

On my lips.

It unsettles me. I'm flustered because suddenly, it reminds me other types of biting we did. His grey eyes have a spark of excitement, he's as confused as me. For how long haven't we been close like that...? I part my lips. His body, his warmth is electrifying.

He averts his gaze, hiding his blushing cheeks, I look away. What was that!? The tension really was palpable.

Clearing my throat, I try to cool it down and to focus on the main concern of the conversation we were having.

"Unfortunately..." I cough. "We aren't in some kind of book, we can't go back to the last chapter and read what the characters said..."

Hermione shakes her head.

"Sure... But we can... follow our train of thoughts." (She pauses, pondering for a moment.) "We talked about... Malfoy's dad, I think."

"Then... then you called him Mrs Maple or something" Ron remembers, snapping his fingers.

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