Chapter 27 - Wizard-napped (+18)

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Blinking because of the sound of my owl-clock ringing, I slowly emerge from the sleep. Turning the alarm off, I realise I'm snuggled up to a warm body. As I lift up my head, I recognise Malfoy, who is still asleep.

Squinting, I huff some air through my nose. That guy is truly insatiable! Last night, he kept me up for a few more hours. "Just for a bit of good time, just a few minutes, I promise" he swore to me. "No penetration!" But in the end, he had his way with me and did exactly what he wished with my body!

Staring at his traits, I can't help myself but think that he looks more approachable asleep than awake. His scornful gaze and his smug smiles always ruin everything. I stretch out my hand to touch his blond eyelashes with the tip of my finger. Sound asleep, he doesn't react. I draw the shape of his pale lips with my thumb.

Yesterday, he got the upper hand again. That makes the score 2-1... and he didn't exactly play fair. He kept caressing me, pressing himself against me... He touched me, more and more, he whispered sweet things into my ear to convince me... What a flirt! I couldn't imagine he could be so persuasive. I have to be careful not to get too used to him topping me or it might become a permanent distribution of the roles. Which I won't tolerate!

Chasing some hair out of his face, I sigh. Okay, I'm not being completely honest. He had been a gentleman with me, he prepared me well and he took a long time to make me feel comfortable. Even if he got a little rough when he climaxed, he treated me with great attention.

I snigger. However, this doesn't mean I won't get revenge on him!

Leaning on him, I kiss him half on the mouth, softly, using the same trick he tried yesterday. My hand caresses his torso, goes down on his abs... I brushes his groin and takes him into my hand. He moves a little, still asleep, but his subconscious sensing that something weird is happening.

Clinging to him, my teeth start nibbling his earlobe. He's becoming hard. Frowning, he opens his eyes and looks around him to see what is touching him. When he recognises my face, he seems rather surprised.

"What... are you doing?" he slurs, half-yawning. "You woke me up!"

"Do you really need an explanation on what I'm doing?" I mock. (He wants to protest, but I plant a kiss on his mouth to shut him up.) "This is a morning, sneak attack!"

Getting rid of the quilt, I lay on him and settle between his legs. I dive my tongue into his mouth, he moans.

"Wait" he complains. "Did your clock rang? I didn't hear it."

"Yes, it rang –but we can take aaaall the time we want before getting up. No need to rush."

He sniggers. I sink my fingers deeply into his hair, he responds to my kiss. I put my elbows on each sides of his face, he parts his legs.

"We don't have time for the full thing" he pants. "Just do a quickie."

"Sure" I snort. "This is what you promised yesterday!"

"You're always complaining, but in the end you..."

He'll never get to finish his sentence, as I grab us and jerk us together, he loses the thread of the conversation. Trying to hold a moan, he bites his lips and closes his eyes.

Rocking my hips back and forth, I keep playing with his ear, biting it, sucking it. He circles my neck. He's out of breath and totally abandoned to me. My, I really love it when he's being so cooperative... The sounds he makes are driving me crazy. Growing more adventurous, his hands go down my back and grab my arse, he start moving his hips at the same rhythm I do. Our mutual excitation increases greatly.

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