APCLW - Chp 13

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Dayton’s POV

                So this is where the two of them had run off to. No wonder why they hadn’t come back. Fiona and Vincent were both intertwined with each other and they were naked. Any idiot could see what had just taken place here, and if they couldn’t tell by the body language, their faces unquestionably gave it away. I shook my head and plopped down beside them. I hope I wasn’t making it awkward for them, but the party was getting a little boring.  I wanted what I had been looking forward to all week with Vincent, not any of these other guys. I’d been hit on a bunch of times, but I just wanted to see what Vincent was made of first. Of course it seemed as if I’d found these two a little bit too late.

                They both seemed to calm down when I didn’t say anything and sat up, putting their clothes back on.  Fiona eyed me uncomfortably, trying to make sure I wasn’t staring at her. I hadn’t really talked to her much before; or maybe not at all, I didn’t remember. I stared in another direction so she could get dressed without me looking in her direction. I timed however long I thought it should take her to put her bathing suit back on.

“Hey Dayton.” Vincent spoke as if he was just now acknowledging my presence. I turned my head to him and smiled. “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything, I was just bored.”

“No, no, we were done.” He confirmed playing with the sand in front of him. He was so cute. His dark hair really brought out his blue eyes. He looked so innocent and untouched. By a man that is. By the looks of Fiona I’m sure he just rocked her world, so that was a plus. I couldn’t help but notice how they were acting though. They were acting as if they were caught or something, like they weren’t supposed to have done what they’d done. Their body language told it all. They were now sitting apart from each other, although clearly they wanted to be in the other’s arms. They were unmistakably hiding something. It was very obvious. They didn’t want anyone to know and yet, I knew which made them uncomfortable. So, I assumed that their other friend, Kim knew nothing about this.  People were easy to figure out, especially Vincent. He was open like a book. At the party last week I could practically read it off his body language that he’d never done anything with a guy at all.

                “Did you guys get bored too?” I asked just to make conversation. At first they both spoke and then cut each other off. They looked at each other and back at me.

“Yeah, we didn’t have much to drink.”

“You don’t need to drink to have a good time. Although I’m sure you guys know that part of the deal already.” I said hinting at what’d they just done. Fiona blushed and looked down. She was into Vincent and he was into her as well. Why didn’t they just date? It wasn’t that complicated. 

“I haven’t really introduced you guys. Fiona this is Dayton, one of my bosses and Dayton this is Fiona. She’s my umm, friend.” He said trying to fish for the right word.

“You mean friend in the meaning of the word of how I’m your friend?” Vincent blushed and I took that as a sign to kiss him. I scooted closer to him and threw sand on his trunks playfully. I was the kind of guy who got what I wanted, and tonight Vincent was the target. He chuckled and started to brush it off.  “Let me brush that off for you.” I said seizing his hand and replacing his with mind, brushing the sand off his trunks, letting my hand linger longer than necessary. He seemed to get the idea and suddenly looked nervous. I gently started to move my hand back and forth over him.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” Vincent asked. I smirked.

“Is it working?” He shrugged with a slight smile. He obviously wasn’t going to stop me. “Of course it is.” I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. They moved together slowly, savoring the taste of each other.

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