APCLW - Chp 9

499 12 11

Vincent’s POV

                My eyes flew open and I got up quickly, surveying the area. Where the hell was I? Looking around, the events of the previous night to start coming back to me. I noticed immediately that one of the girls that I had met last night, Taryn had been sleeping underneath me. I tried to lift myself up a little. I was surprised I hadn’t crushed her. When I pulled up a little further, I saw she was still completely naked, and as I looked around, I noticed that Angela was as well. And so was Dayton. Wow. The memory that we’d had an orgy came flooding back to me, and I stood up to start looking for my clothes, because I was naked too. I covered myself with my left hand and walked around the room, looking for my boxers and jeans. No matter how hard I looked, I could only find my jeans and my shirt. Wanting to only get out of here, I pulled my jeans and shirt on. I started towards the door, but stopped suddenly to look in the mirror. I looked like shit. My dark hair was sticking up all over the place, and my face looked like I had been drinking. At least I hadn’t thrown up. Before I opened the door, I looked back at the three people I’d slept with last night. I felt sort of bad just leaving them there like that. But isn’t this what people did? Got up the next morning and never saw those they slept with at a random party ever again? With that thought I opened the door and closed it as quietly as I could, shutting them out of my live forever.

                There were people lying all around in the hall. They were on top of each other mostly, and it looked discomforting. Some even still had cups in their hands. I was careful as I stepped over them. They were laying so close to each other that it was like playing that game kids did. The one about cracking your mothers back if you stepped on a crack on the sidewalk. Except this was much harder to do. After successfully not stepping on anyone in the hallway, the stairs were another task itself. I heaved a sigh. I wondered if Fiona and Kim were lying around somewhere like these people were. Many of them were naked as well. I gripped the banister and hoisted myself up a little, so I could slide down with ease. When I got to the bottom, I started looking around for Fiona and Kim. Where could they be? The last time I’d seen Kim was in the kitchen. She was super drunk then. Once again I stepped over the closely fallen drunken bodies on my way into the kitchen. Even more bodies littered the floor in there. Geez, how many people passed out? It looked like no one had actually left the party; they had all just passed out right here. One girl was passed out on the stove.  If someone were to accidently hit a notch on the stove, she would be fried. I knew I’d feel guilty if I didn’t move her, so I walked over there, slipped my arms under her, and lifted her up. She wasn’t exactly heavy, but she sure wasn’t light either.

                She groaned against me a little and put her head into my chest. Seeing her face turn over for the first time, I realized she was pretty. I’d definitely seen her somewhere before. Her light brown hair was tossed into a messy bun; one that was coming undone and most of her hair was hanging loose. She shifted a little bit as I bent down on the floor. I wasn’t sure where else I could put her. The couches were taken up and so was most of the floor. I wasn’t going to take her upstairs because then I’d have to be extra careful of stepping on people. Yeah, putting her on the kitchen floor seemed like the best option. I placed her down as gently as I could, but her eyes popped open. Before she could scream or anything—and I knew she was going to because her eyes got wide—I covered her mouth with my hand. She shoved me away, making me fall on my ass because I wasn’t expecting her to do that.

“What were you doing?” she asked incredulously.

“You were passed out on the stove, so I was just putting you on the floor so you’d be safe.” She squinted at me. “A likely story. Are you sure you weren’t trying to feel me up?”

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