APCLW - Chp 23

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Kim’s POV

                Picture this. An 18 year old girl’s parents being called to come pick her up and to send her home. That’s what was going on right now. That was the least of my worries right now though. I didn’t care about what my parents would think, and I hardly cared what colleges would think of me for getting into a mere scuffle.  I just wanted to kill Fiona. Okay, not kill her, but beat her up some more. The pain I was feeling was worse than any other pain I’d ever felt. Was this really what betrayal felt like from people you trusted? Was this what opening yourself up to people brought back to you? Was this always how it was? I didn’t have the answers to any of these questions, but I just knew I’d been betrayed and it was too much for me to deal with right now. All I wanted to do was go home and cut myself. Since this pain was worse than the pain I usually cut for, I felt like I needed to cut myself several times. I just wished these stupid people in the stupid office would hurry and get my parents here. Not that my parents would care anyway. They’d probably show up, sign the sign-out sheet and leave in their own cars while I took my own.

                See, normal parents would take their kids car. Normal parents who paid attention to their child would discipline them; especially when they were the one to initiate a fight. But no, my parents weren’t like that at all.  I literally felt like someone had driven a dagger into my heart, that’s how bad I was hurt by what I’d seen on the screen of that film. Never in a million years did I think that the two of them would be fooling around on me. I wondered if it had happened more than once. I felt the tears start to creep down my face again. To keep them from falling I dug my nails into my palms and bit down on my tongue. I really wished my parents would hurry up and get here. I really needed to cut myself right now.

                The answer to my wish came not a minute later when my father walked into the door. He was in his business suit which his Bluetooth on his ear. I rolled my eyes and looked to the floor. He quickly signed my dismissal papers and told me to follow him. I got up and walked beside him out to the parking lot.  The silence wasn’t an awkward one between us.  Why wasn’t it awkward? Because my father probably didn’t care why I was being suspended. If anything he was pissed that he had to come sign me out of school.

“See you at home Kimmy. Oh, I guess I’m supposed to ground you, right?” he asked as he opened the door to his car.

“Do whatever you want.” It wasn’t like he was going to enforce it anyway.

“Then you’re grounded.” He said sternly and got in his car. “You are to go home and that’s it, do we understand each other?” he said when he rolled down his window.

“You are such a terrible parent.” I told him before running away to my car. I climbed into the back seat and cried my eyes out for the next hour or so. I really wished I carried some kind of tool in my car so I could relieve myself now, but I didn’t and needed to go home in order to do that.  I wiped my tears and climbed into the front and drove away without a real destination in mind.

                When my mind finally cleared I noticed I was sitting in a parking lot that was for apartments. To be more specific, it looked like the apartment buildings that Dayton lived in. Confused, I looked up in my rearview mirror to make sure the way was clear so I could back out when I saw Dayton himself coming towards my car. Oh man, what the hell was I thinking coming here anyway? Dayton tapped on my window and I rolled it down just enough for us to hear each other.

“Hey Kimmy,” he said with a smile. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but leave me alone.” I told him. His smile faded.

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