APCLW - Chp 3

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Vincent’s POV

                I was starting to wonder where Kim was. I’d been waiting by the office for at least ten minutes, and she still hadn’t turned up. It’s not like I had anything better to do, but I wanted to go home. I looked at my watch and frowned. I just met Kim this morning, but she didn’t seem like the kind of person to stand anyone up. I decided I’d wait a couple more minutes and then I’d leave. I put my bag down on the ground, leaned against the wall, and started to play Tetris on my phone. Tetris was one of my favorite games, and it passed the time pretty fast.

                By the time I beat three levels and I looked at the time, Kim still wasn’t there. I sighed and picked up my bad, ready to go home. It made me mad that she would stand me up when she had asked me in the first place to show her around, but it was whatever. I didn’t care. I threw my bag over my shoulder and pushed the door and stepped outside into the warm air. Maybe I would go swimming today. It felt pretty good out here. The parking lot was almost empty by the time I got there, so it was pretty easy for me to spot my car. There was another one right next to mine; even though I couldn’t make it out clearly, it looked like it was Kim’s car. Was she still here? If she was, why would she stand me up on purpose? I grimaced at the thought as I got closer to the pair of cars. Once I was close enough, I knew for sure it was her car. I’d know that red VW Jetta anywhere now.

                I shook my head as I moved past it to throw my stuff in my car and leave, but something moving in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned my head a little bit and saw Kim inside her car with a girl! My jaw dropped to the ground and I just gaped at them stupidly. Were they crazy? They were making out in the student parking lot on school grounds where anyone could see them?! I couldn’t stop myself from tapping on the glass. Kim and the girl jumped apart from each other when I did. Kim was sitting on the girls lap in the back seat, so when she jumped backward, she landed in the front part of the car. The girl that she was making out with moved over to the other side of the car. When Kim saw that it was me she looked even more horrified and covered herself up. It was only then that I realized she didn’t even have her shirt on. “Oh my god, I’m sorry!” I said and turned around, unlocked my car and got in. I started my engine and tried my best not to look over at Kim’s car as I backed out of my parking spot and went home.

                Once I was far enough away from the school I let out my breath which I’d been holding since I had gotten into the car. What the hell had just happened back there? Kim was…a lesbian? I combed my hand through my hair as I stopped at a light. Of course there was nothing wrong with lesbians, I didn’t think I was straight myself but…still. Kim wasn’t the type of girl that I pictured would be into girls.  I tried to push the thought from my mind as I stepped on the gas. I just couldn’t believe I’d walked in on two girls making out. Or did I technically walk in on them? I mean, they were outside, and my car was right beside them, so I didn’t do anything wrong, did I? No, I definitely did. I stood there and watched. I cursed myself for that. I had to apologize to Kim tomorrow. That was, if I even saw her. Or maybe I shouldn’t apologize? It would be awkward…

                I turned off my car and walked up the driveway, letting myself in with ease. I went straight into the kitchen, and downed an entire bottle of pineapple Fanta. It was strangely comforting for me. No matter how hard I tried to suppress the images of what I’d just seen less than ten minutes ago, I couldn’t. I knew the girl that Kim was making out with though; I’d seen her around. I didn’t know she was a lesbian either! Okay wait, maybe they weren’t lesbians, they could be just bisexual, right? Of course…that was a possibly. I sighed and made my way over to the table I did my homework on. I really couldn’t wait until I saw Kim tomorrow now.

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