APCLW - Chp 6

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Vincent’s POV

                I closed the door to my room and instantaneously sat in the chair in front of my computer. I hated being addicted to Facebook, even though it was slightly boring sometimes, but I couldn’t stay away. I checked my notifications, and noticed that I had a friend request. I didn’t really think it was a big deal until I saw that the person requesting me was Fiona Macintyre. I just stared at her profile pic for a couple lingering seconds. Her pic was of her doing one of those mirror pics girls liked to do so much. Her hair covered half her face and she was pursing her lips. She was a cute girl, but…I couldn’t even begin to comprehend why she turned me on.  I was pretty sure I wasn’t attracted to females, but she just sat in my lap and changed what I thought I knew in the span of less than a minute.

                I reached into my pocket and grabbed the piece of paper I shoved in there. At first I really wasn’t planning on calling her, but now that I knew for sure there was some kind of chemistry between I figured why not giving it a try. Picking up my phone, I put her in as a contact, but didn’t bother to call or text her just yet. Homework needed to be done, even though I really didn’t intend on finishing it, and I needed to clean my room. It wasn’t horribly messy, but it was bad enough that I could see that it needed a touch up. Getting up from my chair, I started cleaning up right away. The whole process took less than twenty minutes. I stood around, looking to see if there was anything else I could possibly do because I certainly didn’t want to do any homework yet. Or at all. Pssh, it was my senior year, who did any of that their senior year, especially when graduation was about five months away.

                It was only when I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror that I realized my hands were on my hips. I dropped them immediately. I couldn’t let that happen around people. I finally decided to go get on my computer again, just to check if I had any new notifications. When I moved the mouse, making the screen saver go away, I saw that I had a new instant message from Fiona.  She’d accepted my friend request as well. My hand hovered over the mouse as I thought of if I should answer her or not. ‘You there?’  she typed back when I didn’t answer. ‘Yea, I’m here.’ I typed back. That was the start of our long conversation, and at the end, she promised me something the next day. I couldn’t help feeling a little nervous about it. I didn’t know much about the girl code, but if a girl has a boyfriend and the break up, then the friend of the girl can’t date the guy, right? So wouldn’t that rule apply to this? I wasn’t sure, but I felt bad for messing around with Fiona, not to mention that I liked it.

                I turned off my computer and went downstairs to find something to eat. I hadn’t ate anything that evening, so I was starving now. Deciding on a simple bowl of cereal, I grabbed the milk from the fridge just in time for my father to walk in the door. He put his briefcase that he carried everywhere with him on the floor next to the table and opened the fridge I had just closed.  I assumed he didn’t find what he wanted because he shut the door with a grunt, and walked out of the kitchen without acknowledging me. I continued to eat my cereal nonchalantly. He must’ve had a rough day.

                The next morning I actually got to school on time. The one person I didn’t expect to find waiting for me was Kim. She was sitting on one of the benches near the entrance. She snagged a headphone out her ear and got up to meet me.

“Hey.” She smiled.

“Hey.” I said back. “What’s up?” she shrugged.

“What do you think of my outfit?” she twirled around, her hair coiling along with her. She was wearing a short tube top dress, which was tight on her. I blinked multiple times as I regarded her.

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