APCLW - Chp 11

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Vincent’s POV

                My father slapped my shoulder proudly after he tied my tie. He even straightened my shirt a little bit.  “I’m proud of you son, your first job.” He said with a smile.

“Me too.” I said turning to look at myself in the mirror. I looked ready for my interview today, and since I was going to it right after lunch, I decided just to get dressed now. I knew I was going to get stares from people because I looked way too dressed up, but I didn’t care. I needed to look nice for my interview. I adjusted my jacket once more before I grabbed my keys and my school bag. “I’ll see you later Dad.”

“Knock em’ dead Vincent.” He replied before I went out the door. I couldn’t help but let my spirits feel a little lifted. My father was really proud of me for having an interview, and I told him that I basically had the job secured. It wasn’t as if he hasn’t been proud of me before, but getting a first job was different from all the other times. I wouldn’t have to live off them as much. I guess that was important to him as well.  I laughed to myself a little bit. I knew it was going to be a good feeling paying for my own things; that was, if I got this job.

                I got in my car and peeled out of the driveway. I made it to the school not even ten minutes later. When I got out of my car I got stares as I knew I would. Before I could make it halfway across the student parking lot, Matt came towards me. I guess he had just gotten here as well.

“Vince my man, you’re looking sharp today. Do you have a date with Kimberly?” he winked at me with a sly smile. I laughed at him. Just because I was wearing dressy clothes and a tie didn’t mean that I was having a date with Kim. Hell, I wouldn’t even dress up this much if I was having one with her. I wouldn’t even do it for Fiona. I would dress up nicely, but not this nice.

“No dude, I have an interview today at the restaurant downtown.”

“For real? I hope you get it. Free food for me.” He laughed. “So, how are you and Kim doing?” Right, he thought Kim and I were together. Maybe I should act like we’d had a fight and we were mad at each other. No, I’d better not do anything like that without letting her know first.

“We’re good, she’s like, perfect for me.”

“Good to hear. I’m thinking of asking Fiona out.” He said.  I felt jealously build up in me. I didn’t want him dating Fiona…I liked her. It was the first time I was admitting to myself that I liked her without dancing around the subject, but I did. I really, really liked her and I definitely didn’t want Matt dating her. Fiona was too sweet of a girl to be with someone like Matt. He was nice to  his friends, but I don’t think he respected his girlfriend’s much. He’d never been faithful as far as I knew, and Fiona didn’t deserve that.

                It totally sucked that I couldn’t date Fiona and keep her off the menu for the boys in the school. Number one, people would hate me because they would think I was choosing one friend over the other because I was dating Kim first. Second Kim would hate me and think I was a liar because she probably thought I only liked dudes, or at least that I liked dudes more than girls. Third of all…well yeah, those were pretty much the reasons. I didn’t want Kim to feel betrayed by me, so for now whatever Fiona and I were sharing had to stay in the dark. Who knew, maybe it had to stay there permanently.

“Fiona?” I questioned him. “Are you sure?” I was trying to figure out a way to convince him not to date Fiona, but not trash her at the same time.

“Yeah dude, she’s hott. Why wouldn’t I? Plus she’s into girls. I can have some threesomes with her.” I felt anger boiling inside me. He talked about Fiona like she was some sex object! I clenched my fists and tried to think of something else to say to discourage him from asking her out, but I came up with nothing. Wait a minute. I could just tell Fiona to tell him no.  I relaxed a little.

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