APCLW - Chp 16

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Kim's POV

I showered before I got in my car to go pick Chloe up. I checked on Kenny before I left and he was sleeping, so I assumed he'd be fine for about half an hour. I tried not to think about Fiona, but it was hard. I didn't even see a breakup coming, especially not after I told her that I loved her. It wouldn't have hurt as much if I had known it was coming, but I didn't. No warning signs, no nothing. I thought we were happy. Maybe this was God's way of telling me that I should just swear off women and only date men now. I had no problem with that, but at the same time I was still going to be attracted to women no matter what. I sighed deeply. Maybe I should just make my move on Vinny. I had strong feelings for Fiona, but I felt like those feelings were even more intense towards Vinny. I felt like I was actually in love with him. I just loved Fiona; I wasn't in love with her. So maybe I should just be with a man after all.

I put my car in park as I stopped in front of Chloe's portion of the school. I leaned back, trying to clear my mind but it was impossible. Man, I could not wait until I graduated. I hated all this high school drama.

Just a few more months I told myself. I jumped violently when someone tapped on my window. I looked to my left and saw a boy with dark hair and bright blue eyes standing there. Who was this guy and why was he tapping on my window? I didn't know him. I just stared at him because there was no way I was rolling down my window. For all I knew he could pull a gun on me. He frowned at me slightly before he pointed one finger down, gesturing for me to put the window down. I shook my head and he frowned even more. "I just want to talk to you." I heard the words through the window. I rolled my eyes and rolled my window down a little bit.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

"I asked you out for lunch a while ago, remember?" I tried to think back on someone asking me out for lunch. I must've obviously said no because here he was trying to get me to remember him. "My name is Will if that helps any." Will...Will.  I suddenly remembered and I didn't want to talk to him immediately. What did he want? No meant no. I wasn't in the mood to talk to someone who wanted to hit on me right now.

"So you remember?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes I remember." I said with a roll of my eyes. He faked hurt at that.

"You don't look too happy to see me."

"I'm not." I said honestly, hoping he'd leave me alone.

"What's the matter? Did someone dump you?" My eyes snapped to him. How did he know that? Was it written on my face or something? "Oh sorry...I'm right, aren't I?" he looked genuinely sorry.

"It's over now, so it doesn't matter." I finally answered. He nodded just as I heard the passenger door open. Chloe slammed the door and looked towards Will, confusion on her face. "You know, that lunch offer is still on the table."

"That's nice but my answer is still no. Nice talking to you." I said and raced off not even giving him the chance to say anything else.

"Who was that?" Chloe asked.

"Some random boy...he wants to take me out."

"He's hot! You should let him." she said right away, oblivious to my mood. "Um, am I missing something here? What's wrong?" Okay, maybe she wasn't so oblivious. I sighed.

"Fiona broke up with me."

"What? Why?" she asked, stunned just as I was. I shrugged.

"She said she couldn't tell me why." Chloe was silent for a couple minutes. She didn't say anything else until we reached the house. We both sat there, it was obvious that she wanted to say something before we got out the car.

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