APCLW - Chp 5

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Kimberly’s POV

                I tapped my fingers on the small table intently as I waited for Vincent to return. He was up at the counter ordering our coffee and muffins. He’d asked me to come with him here after school, so I followed him here. I guess we were going to talk about everything that had been going on. Just as that thought left my head he returned with our two cups and two muffins.  He sat one set down in from of me and then sat down, opening his muffin immediately.

                “So…” I said awkwardly trying to start a conversation. “Are you usually into girls like me? Wild, crazy, attention hogging ones?” he paused and looked at me, giving me a solemn look. Then he just shrugged.

“Not particularly…” he answered.

“It seemed like you claimed me pretty fast.”

“I didn’t want your reputation to get trashed.” He said biting into his muffin. An awkward silence made its way between us, and we sipped our drinks quietly. I was about to say something to break the silence, but when I looked up Vincent was staring at something behind me, so I turned around to see what it was. It turned out to be a who. It was a couple holding hands and flirting in line.  I turned back around and sipped my coffee again.

“So did we come here just to watch people?” I tried to joke. Vincent didn’t laugh, but he looked back at me. “Sorry…I was uhh.”

“Looking at that girl?” I smiled at him. “I guess I’m supposed to pretend to be upset now since we’re pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend, right?” he half smiled back, but it was one of those embarrassed smiles.

                “Is she prettier than me?” I asked pouting.

“No, you’re beautiful baby. I just…”

“Had to look? Wow, you’re all such dogs.” He laughed.

“Well, I’m different.” He said leaning back in his chair.

“That’s what they all say.” I said just as I finished my muffin. “So, do I get to see your house? That’s what boyfriends and girlfriends do, right?” he nodded.  We stayed there exchanging small conversation for about ten more minutes before we got up to go to his house. It was a regular sized house when a garage in the driveway. About two cars could fit in there, so I pulled in after him. We got out the car and walked in, and he gave me a tour of the house, and we ended up in his room.

                “I like your house. It’s pretty neat.” I pushed some clothing on his bed over so I could sit down. He flushed. “Sorry about that.” he said sitting down in front of his computer. He moved the mouse a little and the screen saver went off, and when it did, a shirtless guy popped up on the screen. It was a Google picture, and Vincent rushed to get it off the screen before I saw it, but it was too late. I’d seen it.

“Umm.” I said even though I shouldn’t have said anything at all. Vincent wouldn’t look at me. He was just staring at the screen, which was on its desktop now. “He was pretty hott.” I said trying to make Vincent feel better. I didn’t know what else to say, or if I should say anything at all, but I wanted the awkward moment to pass. Was Vincent bi? Or was he gay? Or maybe he was just doing it for attention? No, he couldn’t be doing that. Boys didn’t do that, even if they were gay.

                “Vincent?” I said when he didn’t answer me. He turned around in his chair after a couple of seconds and when he did, his face was completely blank. Blank as if he was trying to tell me not to judge him or something. I sighed and played with my hair nervously. “You know…if there’s something you wanna talk about, I’m here. I think I could umm…relate.” He looked down at his feet and kicked his shoes off. Then he put his head in his hands and sighed loudly.

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