APCLW - Chp 7

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Kimberly’s POV

                “Do I look nice?” Fiona and Vinny looked me over, Fiona’s eye lingering on me a bit longer than Vinny’s. Fiona kissed my cheek and told me how fantastic I looked, and Vinny just simply smiled. I was barely wearing any clothing, just a short tube top and shorts. Fiona was dressed in similar clothing, except she had on a skirt.  Vinny chose a plaid button down shirt and faded jeans with some fancy looking shoes. “Great.” I walked in front of Vincent and started to unbutton his shirt a little bit.

“Hey, whoa, whoa—“he said pushing me away a little bit. I think he may have forgotten that Fiona now knew that we weren’t really together because when he looked up at her, his hand that pushed me away fell to his sides.  He let me unbutton a couple more. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“It’s super hott when guys wear these shirts and you can see a little bit of their chest.” I told him. “Maybe guys think the same way we do.” He blushed a bright red, scratching his neck nervously. He may have been reminded about Fiona knowing of our fake relationship, but he still seemed nervous about her knowing that he was gay. “There, you look nice.” I ruffled his hair a little bit. “Have you ever thought of letting your hair grow out? Like they do in rock bands and stuff?” he shook his head, his hair flying into his eyes. He jumped a little, and then pushed his bangs out the way.

                “My hair is long enough, don’t you think?”

“Exactly my point. Can I give you a trim?” he eyed me for a couple of seconds, trying to figure out if he should trust me or not. I didn’t blame him. We hadn’t even known each other a week yet. “Just your bangs; they always fall in your eyes.” He blew out air at his bangs and sat down so I could cut. I smiled and went to my drawer and pulled it out. Locating a pair of scissors, I slid it shut and went back to where Vinny and Fiona were. Getting directly in front of him, I leaned forward a little so I could get a better view. Vinny didn’t make an attempt to move back, so I knew he was comfortable with me being so close and all. I brought the scissors up to his bangs, which I had in my left hand, and clipped. His hair floated to the floor, some of it falling on the bed. I trimmed a little bit more to make it even, and was done in less than a minute. I stepped back to admire my work, and smiled to myself.

“I should be a hair dresser.”

“Yeah, you should. She made you look even cuter Vince.” Fiona complimented. “So, are we ready now?”

“Yup.” I said putting down the scissors on my dresser and looping my arm through hers. “So, you’re driving, right?”

“Yerp.” She said smiling holding her arm out to Vinny for him to grab. He looked at himself for a few seconds in the mirror before he looped his hand through hers and we walked out of the bedroom as a trio.

                When we got outside I realized that I had forgotten my phone. In my room. Which was upstairs.  I cursed myself under my breath and told them to get in the car without me. I ran back inside the house and to my room.

Vincent’s POV

                “Are you absolutely sure you want to tell her now?” Kim asked me as we stood in her kitchen eating some cookies that she’d baked.

“What difference would it make if I tell her now or later? She’s going to be wondering why I’m going with you guys to this gay, lesbian thing. So why not prepare her for the shock impact?”  Kim shrugged.

“I mean, if you’re comfortable with her knowing…” Oh yeah, I’m comfortable with her alright. Actually, I’m pretty scared to be around Fiona again. Last time we were around each other we lost control and could have taken things too far. We were by ourselves and that was bad enough, but if something like that happened around Kim, I wasn’t sure how she’d take it. She hadn’t been here long enough to develop feelings for Fiona, unless she was one of those people who fell hard and fast, but it was still wrong of Fiona and I to have secret relations. A secret relation that we would both keep from Kim. I didn’t like it a all because I felt like we were actually connecting. She was the first person that I came out too, so I didn’t want her to think I was lying when I told her I was gay. And it would totally seem like I was lying if she ever found out about Fiona and I, and I didn’t want her to think that.

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