↳27. Lingering Feelings

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The fluorescent lights of the grocery store flicker in an unappealing color among its patrons

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The fluorescent lights of the grocery store flicker in an unappealing color among its patrons. The lighting washed out almost everyone, making them look paler and sickly. Pete wanders up and down the aisles trying to remember what he is suppose to buy. He knew that she had mentioned something about dog treats, lettuce for the pig, Claritin for himself, and a bunch of other shit she needs. He looks at the variety of overpriced vegetables and fruits; he curses under his breath. He wants to topple them over and scream with all of his might.

He hated stores like these, the ones where they try to make everything perfect. The displays are perfect, the employees look perfect--- nothing in life is perfect, that's one thing for sure.

Well, he could be exaggerating. His mom is perfect and so is his sister, and definitely Val.

Anyways, he didn't want to be here but she was adamant that everything had to come from here or else she'll throw it all out. All in all, it is really tempting to drop the shopping basket on the floor and walk across the street to the bodega where him and Valentina used to shop at. Honestly, that is what he is going to do. He could give a shit right now as to what his fiancée would say; before he left for the store, they had gotten into a major fight where they haven't spoken to each other in many days until she told him that the fridge was empty.

Dumping out the contents of his shopping cart, he abandons it in the middle of the store and jogs across the street. You could smell the freshly baked pan dulce before you even set foot inside. He remembers how he would pick up Valentina from rehearsal and walk the couple blocks down. They would tell each other about their days, their triumphs and failures over a bowl of pozole and a plate of empanadas. They would guzzle it down with either horchata, which was Pete's favorite, or agua de limon since Val hated the taste of rice milk and cinnamon.

They spent so much time here, it became a part of their schedule. He used to imagine that they would keep doing the same thing but with their kids. Bring them here after some sort of extracurricular class that their mother signed them up for and order a large meal. Everyone enjoying themselves with Pete trying to make his kids laugh while Valentina attempts to embarrass them in public. Just spend the day with each other like he used to do when his dad was still alive.

He grabs a donut box and starts filling it up with the treats that he loves. He grabs a variety of salsas, tortillas, salsa, eggs, vegetables, and a big quart of today's pozole. He feels at peace walking through these aisles; Val mentioned to him about how she would often buy groceries frequently, despite already having a well-stocked fridge, because it reminded her of home. He continues to look around and tosses a bunch of things that he doesn't need into the basket when he heard a voice.

"Oh hey there!"

Pete looks around to see if there were other people within his  vicinity that she is possibly trying to get their attention.

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