↳10. "You're The Biggest Dick In The World"

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The weather today presented an overcast on the city, making the atmosphere somber-like

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The weather today presented an overcast on the city, making the atmosphere somber-like. An anxious Mateo stood in front of the gray skyscraper; 30 Rock never had looked so intimidating. During the entire journey from his humble abode to here, Mateo kept thinking about the beating he might get from his best friend for what he was about to do.

Since that night, Valentina had not been acting like her usual self. Being the athletic and lively person she is, she hadn't moved from her bed in weeks, only if she needed the bathroom. Along with not drinking enough water, she also stopped eating and if it weren't for Mateo's pleas, she wouldn't bother.

In fear of her well-being and mental health, the pianist sought aid from the Mulaneys. Anna and John, with no objection, agreed to have Valentina stay with them at their place. They tried to uncover what was troubling the girl but with no avail did they succeed. Not wanting to pry any further, they instead decided to be supportive and loving, things Val needed that Mateo sadly cannot give to her right now.

He had to focus on what caused the ballerina to be in this state. He had an inkling that it had to be about Pete. That's why he's here in front of the studio; he asked John where he could find Pete, John texted him an address and told him stop by on Friday.

Mateo notified the Chicagoan about his arrival at which he was then instructed to come upstairs where the man was waiting for him. Once upstairs, John explained to him where he was and lay some ground rules because filming was taking place. Mateo was in awe at the environment around him: seeing cast members rehearsing lines, camera crews testing shots, the band practicing.

"Pete is currently in the middle of pre-recording his scenes for a sketch. I'll make up some excuse as to why he's missing but be quick, we have to tape soon." John said.

Mateo murmured an 'okay' and then wandered around the set. He's quite impressed that this is where Pete worked. The lyricist found a spot close to the exit so he can get a good view of the room. He fixated on Pete's performance which was hilarious; Matty struggled to keep a straight face, hoping he wouldn't ruin the take.

Someone yelled cut and Pete made his way to where Mateo stood. He did a double-take and stopped in his tracks, "Mateo, what are doing here?" he asked.

"We need to talk," the shorter man replied with a stern tone, "I would prefer if we can do so privately."

Pete shrugged and motioned him to follow. Opening the door to his office that he shared with John, the two men entered. Mateo closed the door behind him and without a beat, he went from civil to hostile. "What the hell did you do to Valentina?" he demanded angrily.

Taken aback, Pete went on the defensive, "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Mateo pointed an accusing finger at him, "You haven't come around to the apartment-- you basically disappear, and you don't answer texts or calls. Wait, let me rephrase that: you don't answer her texts or calls."

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