↳26. Dreaming of You

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Fond gestures are exchanged among the group of people

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Fond gestures are exchanged among the group of people. They all chat with each other, suggesting that they quite possibly knew each other. Children scurry in and out as their mothers attempt to wrangle and corral them back. Men huddled in small groups, smoking cigars and listening intently to new business ventures.

Valentina awkwardly stands there, not knowing what to do. She doesn't recognize a single person around her. She looks down to see that she wearing a cocktail dress with a matching handbag. It's quite out of her element to be wearing something so short and revealing. Digging through the bag, she hopes to find something to clue her in as to what is going on. She only finds a compact mirror which she uses to see that she is wearing makeup that is heavier than usual and completely different in comparison to her regular or stage makeup.

All of a sudden, she is sitting with strangers in the middle of a bench. Her eyes scan the room once more to familiarize her surroundings. Flowers and ribbons adorn each bench, a white grand piano sits nearby, a white arch with white tulle wrapped around, and a minister. It kind of looks like a tacky set-up of some sort of ceremony. She realizes that the room she's now in is a church and she's sitting in a pew.

It's a wedding, how cute, she thought.

Canon in D Major plays and the doors open to reveal a veiled bride floating down the aisle, in gown shaped like a pastry.

Valentina smiles sweetly at the bride, happy to see that someone was going to live happily forever after. That is, until she saw who the girl is and who she is marrying.

Pete stood at the altar, looking so handsome in a tux, beaming at his lovely bride-to-be. On his left side is Mateo and next to him was John and Colson. They're all visibly excited and emotional for their friend. On the right-hand side, a line of bridesmaids in matching dresses. She could tell that Anna was the maid-of-honor as the pony-tailed girl hands her the wedding bouquet of pink peonies.

So many emotions were rushing through, she couldn't pinpoint exactly what she is feeling. All she knows is that she was supposed to be wearing that white dress, not her.

The minister clears his voice, "Shalom. We are gathered here today to witness one of life's greatest moments: the joining of two hearts."

The bride and groom looked at each other with such certainty that this is what they want. The rabbi smiled at the couple and proceeded with his sermon. He went on to talk about how love is the strong bond between two people and how life is about finding your other half. He's about finished with his speech when he asked the following, "If there is anyone present who has just cause as to why this couple should not be united, speak now or forever hold your peace."

A beat passes and Valentina is placed in a situation where a split-second decision needed to be made, one that could ultimately be life-changing. She could keep her mouth shut and say goodbye to the man that she loves. He would go on to live the life be that she knew she couldn't give but he deserves.

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