↳17. An IKEA Daydream

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"Move your ass Davidson!" the ballerina yelled, harshly tugging on the comedian's tattooed arm.

They zig-zagged through the crowd of people, lightly shoving those near them.

"Calm down Val, the food court is still going to have the meatballs. Why don't we walk around first?"

On this day, we find the pair spending their day at IKEA, or how Pete liked to say, 'hell on Earth.'

"Fine," Valentina huffed in annoyance, "But I am expecting meatballs at the end."

"I'll get you all the meatballs you want my love," Pete promised sweetly.

Pete had recently moved out of his mom's house and was in need of new furniture. In his opinion, he was not one for decorating and has no talent in that area. Look at his wardrobe, he purchased anything that he thought an eighteen-year-old would like. Because of that, he appointed Valentina to be his interior designer for his apartment.

Initially, he wanted his apartment to be their apartment. That's another thing that he's never done with his past girlfriends: move in together.

It was a good idea at the time. Let's look at the evidence, shall we?

Exhibit A: his toothbrush had its own spot in her toothbrush holder.

Exhibit B: his clothes had a home in one of the drawers of her dresser.

Exhibit C: they even slept in the same bed.

Thus, they were living together... right?

Valentina was flattered, she was without a doubt, yet she declined.

It wasn't the fact that she was caught off guard or thought that they were moving too fast. No, it was trepidation that pulled the plug on that idea.

She didn't want to be too much of a burden for him; like what if Pete found her irritating once they start living together? What if he realized that she was no good for him just like the bad thoughts have repeated to her in her head, time and time again?

When Pete asked for an explanation, she made the excuse that having space would make their relationship stronger. That being apart taught them how to be together. For when they were in each other's company again, their love would intensify. It hurt Valentina to lie to him, it truly did, however, she couldn't bare to tell him the real reason why.

Hand in hand, the couple priced sofas, coffee tables, entertainment centers. They discussed color palettes and styles. Eventually they got bored and abandoned all hopes of furnishing the empty dwelling.

Running around the department store, the pair received nasty glares from others who are trying to buy their overpriced furniture in peace. The pair paid no attention to the stares; everything around them faded away and became background noise.

They were lost in their own little world as they grabbed random products from shelves and gave their best assumptions as to what their purpose was. Laughter ensued as they butchered the Swedish names they read on the signs in the aisles.

They found themselves in the kitchen show room where they pretended to play house.

"Honey, I'm hungry!" Valentina groaned as Pete puled out the dining chair for her, "What's for dinner?"

Pete opened the door of the stove next to them and shuffled through it, "Good because I made it myself, your favorite," Pete said as he turned around, placing an imaginary plate in front of the 'starving' girl.

"Aw, you shouldn't have," she fawned. Taking the display fork and knife, she dug in. "It's the best food I've ever had," she moaned in delight.

She suddenly got up with her 'plate' and reached to turn the knob on the sink.

Nothing came out of the faucet.

"The sink doesn't work!" Valentina cried in disappointment.

Pete nudged Valentina into the second showroom, "Well that's why I bought you a house with two kitchens," he boasted.

"You're so smart. Race you to the bedroom!" the Latina exclaimed, darting to the bedroom display across the floor.

The girl hopped onto the cheap mattress, her hair sprawled out all around her. Pete climbed onto the bed and slightly hovered over her.

They stared in each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. They were both trying to decipher what was their eyes expressed. It was nice to play house. To imagine, a life where fear and anxiety didn't play as the main characters in Val's story. In the future, they reminisced about the simpler times.

Oh how they longed to once again be young, stupid, and in love than deal with unprecedented events.


"Yes, my love?" the ballerina replied in her native tongue.

"It's okay if you're not ready to move in with me. It's on me for putting you in such an uncomfortable position. I can wait--- we can wait until you're ready," Pete said.

Not knowing how to respond, Val places her lips on Pete's. It was a soft sweet kiss that turned into a passionate hungry make-out session. Their bodies moved together as they delved into their emotions even further, making it hot and heavy. They pulled away at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

An elderly man in a yellow t-shirt with the furniture company's logo embossed on it stood next to them with a irritated look on his face.

"Sir, ma'am. I'm gonna ask you to leave the store. Here at IKEA, we don't allow such erotic personal displays of affection--- there are children here for God's sake."

The boy and the girl both bursted out belly laughing at the man only making it worse. Pete then cracked jokes about the situation while Valentina continued with the provocative acts. The man called security and the two are escorted out of the store being told that they are not allowed to step foot into an IKEA in the great state of New York.

Walking back to the car, Pete apologized to his girlfriend for not keeping his promise of getting her meatballs.

Valentina kissed his hand that was entwined with hers, "It's alright, why don't we go get some burritos?"

"It's a date!" Pete exclaimed in Spanish with a thick American accent.

Valentina patted the tall man's shoulder, "You're getting there."


i am alive! i've just been busy with work, school, and i got a new puppy so i'm training her to be a functioning dog lol.

i love (500) days of summer and i had to incorporate this scene somehow bc i think it is such a cute date night idea. i also love writing dreamy fluff so much but i promise that drama will be coming soon. just keep in mind that they have just started dating so they're in that honeymoon phase.

i also did something cute with writing style; as pete learns spanish from hearing val speak it with mateo and her fathers, the italicized spanish phrases are then translated into english (still italicized as to differentiate which language is being spoken) because he starting to piece it together. hope that makes sense lol.

anyways, how y'all doing? is life good? how's school?

don't forget to vote and comment!

- deb

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