↳29. Tick, Tick....

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The snow crunches under the soles of his boots as the shining lights brightened the streets of New York City

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The snow crunches under the soles of his boots as the shining lights brightened the streets of New York City.

The city was alive, buzzing with hope and possibility on this Saturday night.

The line to enter Studio 8H was starting to file in and the attendees are excited to be a part of the live audience on the show.

Pete paces around, his head feels like it's about to explode. He felt like he was going to explode.

He was a ticking time bomb and he didn't know when, who, or what was going to set him off.

Everything is going to shit.

The blaming, the insults, the hate--- a person can only take so much until they decide enough is enough.

In the distance, a bright light pops up. His heart beats rapidly and his breathing quickens. Body tensing, he prepares himself for flight or fight mode against the paparazzi only to see a couple having their wedding pictures being taken.

Relief floods his mind and Pete relaxes. Ever since the recent events that have happened, he's been on edge; paranoia and anxiety entering his life like old friends who just randomly returned after long hiatus. His attention is back to the newly married couple. He rubs his eyes and sniffles, emotional to see that there are two individuals who have found their person's and he's all alone. Walking past them, he mumbles a congratulations and follows his usual way to work.

The stars peek out in the sky, dimly lit amongst the luminous city. The scent of coffee and pizza from the nearby shops made him nauseous. The sounds of car horns honking, people talking too loudly, and sirens are like daggers to his ears. All he's ever done is shown love to this city only to receive nothing in return. Kiosks and booths proudly displays tabloid magazines with ridiculous or hurtful headlines, almost all of them had his name on the cover. He stops at one and reads the disparaging remarks that are written about him.

The kiosk vendor starts to harshly scold him to buy it if he wants to read it until he realizes who he is. The vendor yells out his name and made it be known to the people around him that he is Pete Davidson. Everyone lunges at him wanting selfies with him, asking him where his fiancée is, why is he with her, and so on.

Pete bolts in the other direction and doesn't stop until he got to 30 Rock. He heaves as he tries to regain oxygen back into his lungs.

And that's when he lost it.

He angrily yells out as he kicks over a trash can and throws a tiny newstand into the street. Trash and paper flying in the air until it makes impact on the ground. His anger dissolves into deep sadness and he sobs into his hands.

I can't do this anymore.

He pulls out his phone and opens up a social media app.

Emotions are at an all-time high and he can't take it anymore: the hate from her fans, the pressure of being with her, what people thought about him, the press twisting his words around.

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