↳07. First Date (?)

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"Bullshit!" Pete exclaimed

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"Bullshit!" Pete exclaimed.

"I swear that I'm not lying! Cross my heart!" Val cried out.

"I still call bullshit. You're gonna have to give me proof."

"You insult me, can't my word be enough?"

"I dare you," Pete said flatly.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me. Actually, I triple-dog dare you."

"Are you fucking serious Pete? What are you, eight years old?" Val scoffed.

"I'm serious, unless you're chicken."

"I am not chicken! You know what, get ready to have your mind blown because this girl never backs down from a triple-dog dare."

She lip rolled in varying pitches, exaggerating to prove a point to the handsome man on her phone screen.

It's been a couple weeks after the Sunday brunch, during which work was busting Valentina's ass. Her ballet masters have been keeping the company later than usual—she wouldn't come home until midnight. With the Metropolitan Opera House season creeping up on the ballet company, Val and Pete were unfortunately not able to hang out like they planned.

For the next eight weeks, Valentina would be performing eight shows straight, a total of sixty-four shows; when explaining this to Pete, she was surprised that he took the news very well. Sure, he was disappointed that they wouldn't spend time together, but he thought of the next best thing: FaceTime.

And that is where we find the two currently: Valentina was walking back to the studio and Pete was at work.

Valentina had revealed that she can rap the entire Busta Rhymes verse from that one Chris Brown song. Pete explained there was no way in hell that Val, a girl whose most played album is the Brandenburg Concertos, listened to mainstream music let alone rap.

Valentina defended herself by showing him her Spotify Playlist but ultimately failed when her top ten popped up to show a large range of classical composers from different music eras. Though, she did have a lot of original cast soundtracks, which was a change in pace, but he still called bull.

On his phone screen, he saw Val set her phone down on so that he has a view of her upper body. She closed her eyes and brought her thumb and forefinger together; for a dramatic effect, she inhaled loudly. That was something Pete learned about her. She presented herself to be a shy and reserved girl when she's unbelievably goofy, silly, and outgoing.

"Wait!" Val yelled loudly.

Pete's hands rapidly reached for his ears and winced, "Jesus Christ, Val, I'm wearing earbuds!"

The dancer smirked at the sight of his discomfort, "I need a beat."

Pete playfully rolled his eyes and gave his best attempt at beat-boxing. Valentina began bopping her head and initiated her epic rendition of the verse. At some point in the middle of her rapping, Pete's jaw dropped. The look of 'I told you so' was plastered on the girl's face and takes a mini-bow as Pete clapped in awe.

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