Anime: Fire Force
Alternative Name: Enn Enn no Shouboutai
Genre: Action, Drama, Comedy, Ecchi, Shounen, Supernatural
Date Released: 2019
Date it ended: 2019
Episodes: 24
Duration: 24
Type: Regular anime series
Studio Name: David Production
Manga: Yes
Anime description: Tokyo is burning, and citizens are mysteriously suffering from spontaneous human combustion throughout the city! Responsible for snuffing out this inferno is the Fire Force, and Shinra is ready to join their fight. Now, as part of Company 8, he'll use his devil's footprints to help keep the city from turning to ash! But his past and a burning secret behind the scenes could set everything ablaze.
Popularity: Its Popular
Sequels: Yes there's actually a season two and even a omake series
Dub or sub: It's in both
Warnings: Violence
My opinion: This series to me was one I put off on watching at first. Which I regret putting it off. Since I actually really liked it and watched it in one sitting. Shinra is actually really funny and tends to rub into things without thinking first. Yet it feels like you kind of grow with him as he changes. He has a slight tic when he gets nervous he tends to smile in a creepy way as people put it. Which caused him to not have friends. Arthur is another first year. He tends to be egotistical at times and also heads into things without thinking. Shinra and Arthur are actually rivals in this (kind of? They are also kind of friends too, like Naruto and Sasuke.) Anyways if you guys like any of this, you should definitely check out the anime or even the Manga.
Where can you watch it?
Anime Recommendations
RandomHello Everyone! 👋 I got bored and decided to make an anime recommendations book! So here is a bunch of anime I have seen over the years. I hope you all enjoy! Ps. It does say completed and Mature. I do still occasionally put in new animes to recco...